Resize rectangular image to square, keeping ratio and fill background with black


I’m trying to resize a batch of grayscale images that are 256 x N pixels (N varies, but is always ≤256).

My intention is to downscale the images.

The resize would have to output a square (1:1) image, with:

  • resized image centered vertically
  • aspect ratio maintained
  • remaining pixels rendered black

Visually this would be the desired result:

enter image description here

I have tried creating a numpy zeroes matrix with the target size (e.g. 200 x 200) but have not been able to paste the resized image into its vertical center.

Any suggestions using cv2, PIL or numpy are welcome.

Asked By: pepe



PIL has the thumbnail method which will scale keeping the aspect ratio. From there you just need to paste it centered onto your black background rectangle.

from PIL import Image

def black_background_thumbnail(path_to_image, thumbnail_size=(200,200)):
    background ='RGBA', thumbnail_size, "black")    
    source_image ="RGBA")
    (w, h) = source_image.size
    background.paste(source_image, ((thumbnail_size[0] - w) / 2, (thumbnail_size[1] - h) / 2 ))
    return background

if __name__ == '__main__':
    img = black_background_thumbnail('hLARP.png')'tmp.jpg')
Answered By: clockwatcher

You can use Pillow to accomplish that:


from PIL import Image

def make_square(im, min_size=256, fill_color=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
    x, y = im.size
    size = max(min_size, x, y)
    new_im ='RGBA', (size, size), fill_color)
    new_im.paste(im, (int((size - x) / 2), int((size - y) / 2)))
    return new_im

Test Code:

test_image ='hLarp.png')
new_image = make_square(test_image)

For a white background you can do:

new_image = make_square(test_image, fill_color=(255, 255, 255, 0))


enter image description here

Answered By: Stephen Rauch
from PIL import Image

def reshape(image):
    Reshapes the non-square image by pasting
    it to the centre of a black canvas of size
    n*n where n is the biggest dimension of
    the non-square image. 
    old_size = image.size
    max_dimension, min_dimension = max(old_size), min(old_size)
    desired_size = (max_dimension, max_dimension)
    position = int(max_dimension/2) - int(min_dimension/2) 
    blank_image ="RGB", desired_size, color='black')
    if image.height<image.width:
        blank_image.paste(image, (0, position))
        blank_image.paste(image, (position, 0))
    return blank_image
Answered By: Joseph

Here is a code that solve your question with OPENCV module (using NUMPY module too)

#Importing modules opencv + numpy
import cv2
import numpy as np

#Reading an image (you can use PNG or JPG)
img = cv2.imread("image.png")

#Getting the bigger side of the image
s = max(img.shape[0:2])

#Creating a dark square with NUMPY  
f = np.zeros((s,s,3),np.uint8)

#Getting the centering position
ax,ay = (s - img.shape[1])//2,(s - img.shape[0])//2

#Pasting the 'image' in a centering position
f[ay:img.shape[0]+ay,ax:ax+img.shape[1]] = img

#Showing results (just in case) 
#A pause, waiting for any press in keyboard

#Saving the image
Answered By: Diroallu

Behold! A greatly-overengineered version of @Stepeh Rauch’s answer that contains an interactive element and accounts for odd-pixel padding.


# Note: PySide2 can also be replaced by PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide6
# Also note! Any of the above are >100MB
pip install utilitys pyside2 pillow
$ python <> --help
usage: <file>.py [-h] [--folder FOLDER] [--ext EXT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --folder FOLDER  Folder of images allowed for viewing. Must have at least one image (default: .)
  --ext EXT        Image extension to look for (default: png)

$ python <file>.py --folder "./path/to/folder/of/your/image(s).png" --ext "jpg" contents

import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Union, Any

import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
from PIL import Image
from utilitys import fns, widgets, RunOpts

def pad_to_size(
    image: Image.Image,
    size_wh: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = None,
    fill_color: Any = 0,
) -> Image.Image:
    Keeps an image's aspect ratio by resizing until the largest side is constrained
    by the specified output size. Then, the deficient dimension is padded until
    the image is the specified size.
    if size_wh is None:
        size_wh = max(image.size)

    if isinstance(size_wh, int):
        size_wh = (size_wh, size_wh)

    im_size_wh = np.array(image.size)
    ratios = im_size_wh / size_wh

    # Resize until the largest side is constrained by the specified output size
    im_size_wh = np.ceil(im_size_wh / ratios.max()).astype(int)
    # Prefer 1-pixel difference in aspect ratio vs. odd padding
    pad_amt = np.array(size_wh) - im_size_wh
    use_ratio_idx = np.argmax(ratios)
    unused_ratio_idx = 1 - use_ratio_idx

    # Sanity check for floating point accuracy: At least one side must match
    # user-requested dimension
    if np.all(pad_amt != 0):
        # Adjust dimension that is supposed to match
        im_size_wh[use_ratio_idx] += pad_amt[use_ratio_idx]
    # Prefer skewing aspect ratio by 1 pixel instead of odd padding
    # If odd, 1 will be added. Otherwise, the dimension remains unchanged
    im_size_wh[unused_ratio_idx] += pad_amt[unused_ratio_idx] % 2
    image = image.resize(tuple(im_size_wh), **resize_kwargs)

    new_im ="RGB", size_wh, fill_color)
    width, height = image.size
    new_im.paste(image, (int((size_wh[0] - width) / 2), int((size_wh[1] - height) / 2)))
    return new_im

def main(folder=".", ext="png"):
    folder: str, Path
        Folder of images allowed for viewing. Must have at least one image
    ext: str, Path
        Image extension to look for

    folder = Path(folder)
    files = fns.naturalSorted(folder.glob(f"*.{ext}"))
    err_msg = f"{folder} must have at least one image file with extension `{ext}`"
    assert len(files), err_msg

    viewer = widgets.ImageViewer()

    def readim(file_index=0, try_pad=False, output_w=512, output_h=512):
        if 0 > file_index > len(files):
        image =[file_index])
        if try_pad:
            image = pad_to_size(image, (output_w, output_h), fill_color=(255, 255, 255))

    viewer.toolsEditor.registerFunc(readim, runOpts=RunOpts.ON_CHANGED)
    wc = viewer.widgetContainer()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Print defaults in help signature
    fmt = dict(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    cli = fns.makeCli(main, parserKwargs=fmt)
    args = cli.parse_args()
Answered By: ntjess


from PIL import Image, ImageOps

with'hLARP.png') as im:
    im = ImageOps.pad(im, (200, 200), color='black')'result.png')
Answered By: infval