Allow duplicate downloads with Scrapy Image Pipeline?


Please see below an example version of my code, which uses the Scrapy Image Pipeline to download/scrape images from a site:

import scrapy
from scrapy_splash import SplashRequest
from imageExtract.items import ImageextractItem

class ExtractSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'extract'
    start_urls = ['url']

    def parse(self, response):
        image = ImageextractItem()
        titles = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
        rel = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3', 'url4', 'url5', 'url6']

        image['title'] = titles
        image['image_urls'] = rel
        return image

It all works fine but as per default settings, avoids downloading duplicates. Is there any way of overriding this so that I can download the duplicates also? Thanks.

Asked By: Exam Orph



I think one possible solution is to create your own image pipeline inherited from scrapy.pipelines.images.ImagesPipeline with overridden method get_media_requests (see documentation for example). While yielding the scrapy.Request, pass dont_filter=True to the constructor.

Answered By: Tomáš Linhart

Thanks to Tomáš’s instruction, eventually I found a way to download duplicate images.

In _process_request of class MediaPipeline, I comment these lines.

# Return cached result if request was already seen
# if fp in info.downloaded:
# return defer_result(info.downloaded[fp]).addCallbacks(cb, eb)

# Check if request is downloading right now to avoid doing it twice
# if fp in info.downloading:
# return wad

An uncatched KeyError would occur but it seems not affect my result so I stopped digging further.

Answered By: Rick

To overcome KeyError mentioned by Rick, what I did was:

Look for the function _cache_result_and_execute_waiters also in the class MediaPipeline, you will see a similar if case as shown below

if isinstance(result, Failure):
   # minimize cached information for failure 
   result.frames = []
   result.stack = None

I added another if case to check if fp is in info.waiting, and everything after that go inside this case

if fp in info.waiting:
    info.downloaded[fp] = result  # cache result
    for wad in info.waiting.pop(fp):

In the debug log, the path name in "images" of your scrapy Item is still incorrect though. But I got it saved in the correct path by creating a list of image names for all my "image_urls"

Answered By: KOKSANG

        # Return cached result if request was already seen
        if fp in info.downloaded:
            return defer_result(info.downloaded[fp]).addCallbacks(cb, eb)

        # Otherwise, wait for result
        wad = Deferred().addCallbacks(cb, eb)

Since the fp was fingerprint of a request, which implements below:

def request_fingerprint(
    request: Request,
    include_headers: Optional[Iterable[Union[bytes, str]]] = None,
    keep_fragments: bool = False,
) -> str:
    Return the request fingerprint as an hexadecimal string.

    The request fingerprint is a hash that uniquely identifies the resource the
    request points to. For example, take the following two urls:

    Even though those are two different URLs both point to the same resource
    and are equivalent (i.e. they should return the same response).

I think it would be more gracefully by adding some random params to the image url, instead of commenting some source code.

Like this:

class YourImagePipelineClass(ImagesPipeline):
    def get_media_requests(self, item, info):
        url = item.get('img_url') + '?<some_params_key>=%s' % str(time.time())
        yield scrapy.Request(url, meta=item, dont_filter=True)
Answered By: marco
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