Should a class convert types of the parameters at init time? If so, how?


I’ve defined a class with 5 instance variables

class PassPredictData:
    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat, long, elev):
        self.rating = rating
        # rest of init code

I want to ensure:

  • rating is an int
  • name is a str
  • lat, long, elev are floats

When reading my input file, everything works creating a list of objects based on my class. When I start comparing values I got weird results since the instance variables were still strings.

Is the “most Pythonic way” to cast the values as the object is being created using int(string) and float(string) when calling the constructor or should this casting be done with logic inside the class?

Asked By: lucholland



Personally, I would do any string parsing before passing the values to the constructor, unless parsing is one (or the) explicitly stated responsibility of the class. I prefer my program to fail because I didn’t explicitly cast a value than to be too flexible and end up in a Javascript-like 0 == "0" situation. That said, if you want to accept strings as parameters you can just call int(my_parameter) or float(my_parameter) as needed in the constructor and that will make sure this are numbers not matter you pass a number, a string or even a Boolean.

In case you want to know more about type safety in Python, you can take a look at type annotations, which are supported by type checkers like mypy, and the traits package for type safety in class attributes.

Answered By: jdehesa

Define custom field types

One way is to define your own field types and do the conversion and error handling in them. The fields are going to be based on descriptors. This is something you’re going to find in Django models, Flask-SQLAlchemy, DRF-Fields etc

Having such custom fields will allow you to cast them, validate them and this will work not just in __init__, but anywhere we try to assign a value to it.

class Field:
    type = None

    def __init__(self, default=None):
        self.value = default

    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        if instance is None:
            return self
        return self.value

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        # Here we could either try to cast the value to
        # desired type or validate it and throw an error
        # depending on the requirement.
            self.value = self.type(value)
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError('Failed to cast {value!r} to {type}'.format(
                value=value, type=self.type

class IntField(Field):
    type = int

class FloatField(Field):
    type = float

class StrField(Field):
    type = str

class PassPredictData:
    rating = IntField()
    name = StrField()
    lat = FloatField()
    long = FloatField()
    elev = FloatField()

    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat, long, elev):
        self.rating = rating = name = lat
        self.long = long
        self.elev = elev


>>> p = PassPredictData(1.2, 'foo', 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
>>> = '123'
>>> = 'foo'
ValueError: Failed to cast 'foo' to <class 'float'>
>>> = 123

Use a static analyzer

Another option is to use static analyzers like Mypy and catch the errors before the program gets executed. The code below is using Python 3.6 syntax, but you can make it work with other versions as well by making some changes.

class PassPredictData:
    rating: int
    name: str
    lat: float
    long: float
    elev: float

    def __init__(self, rating: int, name: str, lat: float, long: float, elev: float) -> None:
        self.rating = rating = name = lat
        self.long = long
        self.elev = elev

PassPredictData(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
PassPredictData(1, 'spam', 3.1, 4.2, 5.3)
PassPredictData(1.2, 'spam', 3.1, 4.2, 5)

When we run Mypy on this we get:

/ error: Argument 2 to "PassPredictData" has incompatible type "int"; expected "str"
/ error: Argument 1 to "PassPredictData" has incompatible type "float"; expected "int"
Answered By: Ashwini Chaudhary

If you type import this in the Python interpreter, you will get "The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters". The first three lines seem to apply to your situation:

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.

I would recommend implementing your class like this:

class PassPredictData:
    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat, long, elev):
        self.rating = int(rating) = str(name) = float(lat)
        self.long = float(long)
        self.elev = float(elev)

This is the implementation you mention in your question. It is simple and explicit. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Responses to Comments

The implementation is explicit to the writer of the class versus some other solution that hides the type conversion behind some opaque mechanism.

There is a valid argument that it is not obvious from the function signature what the expected parameter types are. However, the question implies that all parameters are passed as strings. In that case, the expected type is str for all the constructor parameters. Perhaps the question title does not clearly describe the problem. Maybe a better title would be "Enforce Instance Variable Types When Passing Strings as Parameters to Constructor".


I encourage folks to look at the revision history of the question to see the whole story.

Answered By: David Cullen

EDIT: (edit because the topic of the question changed) I would not recommend convert type of parameters at init time. For example:

class PassPredictData:
    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat, long, elev):
        self.rating = int(rating) = str(name)

In my opinion, This type of Implicit conversion is dangerous for few reasons.

  1. Implicitly converts parameter type to another without giving warning is very misleading
  2. It won’t raise any exceptions if users pass in undesired type. This goes hand in hand with the implicit casting. This could be avoided using explicit type checking.
  3. Silently convert type violates duck-typing

Instead of convert type of parameters, it is better to check the parameter type at init time. This approach would avoid the above three issues. To accomplish this you may use the strong type checking from typedecorator I like it because it is simple and very readable

For Python2 [edit: leaving this as a reference as OP requested]

from typedecorator import params, returns, setup_typecheck, void, typed

class PassPredictData:
    @params(self=object, rating = int, name = str, lat = float, long = float, elev = float)
    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat, long, elev):
        self.rating = rating = name = lat
        self.long = long
        self.elev = elev

x = PassPredictData(1, "derp" , 6.8 , 9.8, 7.6) #works fine
x1 = PassPredictData(1.8, "derp" , 6.8 , 9.8, 7.6) #TypeError: argument rating = 1.8 doesn't match signature int
x2 = PassPredictData(1, "derp" , "gagaga" , 9.8, 7.6) #TypeError: argument lat = 'gagaga' doesn't match signature float
x3 = PassPredictData(1, 5 , 6.8 , 9.8, 7.6) #TypeError: argument name = 5 doesn't match signature str

For Python3 you can use the annotation syntax:

class PassPredictData1:
    def __init__(self : object, rating : int, name : str, lat : float, long : float, elev : float):
        self.rating = rating

x = PassPredictData1(1, 5, 4, 9.8, 7.6)

throws an error:

TypeError: argument name = 5 doesn’t match signature str

Answered By: OLIVER.KOO

Seems like there’s a million ways to do this, but here’s the formula I use:

class PassPredictData(object):
    types = {'lat'   : float,
             'long'  : float,
             'elev'  : float,
             'rating': int,
             'name'  : str,

    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat, long, elev):
        self.rating = rating
        [rest of init code]

    def from_string(cls, string):
        [code to parse your string into a dict]

        typed = {k: cls.types[k](v) for k, v in parsed.items()}

        return cls(**typed)

A thing that’s nice about this: you can directly use a re.groupdict() to produce your dict (as an example):

parsed ='(?P<name>w): Latitude: (?P<lat>d+), Longitude: (?P<long>d+), Elevation: (?P<elev>d+) meters. (?P<rating>d)', some_string).groupdict()

Answered By: pixels

In Python 3.5+ you can use type hints and the typing module.

class PassPredictData:
    def __init__(self, rating: int, name: str, lat: float, long: float, elev: float):
        self.rating = rating
        #rest of init code

Note that these are just hints. Python doesn’t actually do anything with them like showing an error if the wrong type is used.

Answered By: Yay295

Even without relying on external libraries you can define your own simple typechecking decorator in just a few lines. This uses the inspect module from Core-Python to get the parameter names, but even without it you could just zip the args with a list of types, although this will make using kwargs difficult.

import inspect

def typecheck(**types):
    def __f(f):
        def _f(*args, **kwargs):
            all_args = {n: a for a, n in zip(args, inspect.getargspec(f).args)}
            for n, a in all_args.items():
                t = types.get(n)
                if t is not None and not isinstance(a, t):
                    print("WARNING: Expected {} for {}, got {}".format(t, n, a))
            return f(*args, **kwargs)
        return _f
    return __f

class PassPredictData:

    @typecheck(rating=int, name=str, elev=float)
    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat=0.0, long=0.0, elev=0.0):
        self.rating = rating

p = PassPredictData(5.1, "foo", elev=4)
# WARNING: Expected <class 'int'> for rating, got 5.1
# WARNING: Expected <class 'float'> for elev, got 4

Instead of printing a warning, you could of course also raise an exception. Or, using the same approach, you could also just (try to) cast the parameters to the expected type:

def typecast(**types):
    def __f(f):
        def _f(*args, **kwargs):
            all_args = {n: a for a, n in zip(args, inspect.getargspec(f).args)}
            for n, a in all_args.items():
                t = types.get(n)
                if t is not None:
                    all_args[n] = t(a) # instead of checking, just cast
            return f(**all_args) # pass the map with the typecast params
        return _f
    return __f

class PassPredictData:

    @typecast(rating=int, name=str, elev=float)
    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat=0.0, long=0.0, elev=0.0):
        print([rating, name, lat, long, elev])

p = PassPredictData("5", "foo", elev="3.14")
# Output of print: [5, 'foo', 0.0, 0.0, 3.14]

Or a simpler version, without inspect, but not working for kwargs and requiring to provide the type for each parameter, including self (or None for no type cast):

def typecast(*types):
    def __f(f):
        def _f(*args):
            return f(*[t(a) if t is not None else a 
                       for a, t in zip(args, types)])
        return _f
    return __f

class PassPredictData:

    @typecast(None, int, str, float, float, float)
    def __init__(self, rating, name, lat=0.0, long=0.0, elev=0.0):
        print([rating, name, lat, long, elev])
Answered By: tobias_k
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