Variable not found. Declare it as envvar or define a default value


I am very new to Django and trying to configure python-decouple to use .env variables. I am getting DB_PASSWORD not found. Declare it as envvar or define a default value. when trying to run the server. The .env file is located in the root directory. Here is my code:

import os
from decouple import config

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'db_development',
        'USER': "db_user",
        'PASSWORD': config('DB_PASSWORD'),


Asked By: rebbailey



Change the name of the file: my_app.env must be .env.

From the source code:

class AutoConfig(object):
    Autodetects the config file and type.
        'settings.ini': RepositoryIni,
        '.env': RepositoryEnv,

try: APP_ID = config("APP_ID", cast=int) API_HASH = config("API_HASH") BOT_TOKEN = config("BOT_TOKEN") DEV = 1664850827 OWNER = config("OWNER") ffmpegcode = ["-preset fast -c:v libx265 -s 852×480 -x265-params ‘bframes=8:psy-rd=1:ref=3:aq-mode=3:aq-strength=0.8:deblock=1,1’ -metadata ‘title=Encoded By TGVid-Comp (https: // TGVid-Comp)’ -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 23 -c:a libopus -b:a 32k -c:s copy -map 0 -ac 2 -ab 32k -vbr 2 -level 3.1 -threads 1"] THUMB = config("THUMBNAIL") except Exception as e: LOGS. info("Environment vars Missing") LOGS. info("something went wrong") LOGS. info(str(e)) exit(1)

I am deploying a telegram bot at deploy i got the error

567777 not found. Declare it as envvar or define a default value

First i declare the value of APP_ID
But this error came

Answered By: Mehar Faizan
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