django-bootstrap3 Parameter "field" should contain a valid Django BoundField?


I am using django-bootstrap3 to render my forms on the template and i have been struggling to find what is causing the error Parameter "field" should contain a valid Django BoundField when i try to load the page with the form on it. I have attached my code and error below. can someone please point for me what i’m doing wrong?

class OrderForm(forms.Form):
    first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
    last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
    email = forms. EmailField(max_length=50)
    institution_name = forms.CharField(max_length=150)
    phone = forms.IntegerField()
    address = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
    city = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
    item = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
    serial_number = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
    problem = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs—Crows':10,'cols':18,'style':'resize:none',  [placeholder':'Please define your problem here'l),label='Problem description')
    [placeholder':'Please define your problem here'l),label='Problem description')

def Orderview(request):
    if request.method == 'Post':
        order_form = OrderForm(request.POST)

if order_form.is_valid(): cd = order form.cleaned data subject = '{} repair order from {}'.format(cd['item'],cd['institution_name']) from_email = cd['email'] to = [settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER,] ctx = { 'first_name':cd['first_name'], 'last_name':cd['last_name'], 'email':cd['email'], 'institution_name':cd['institution_name'], 'phone':cd['phone'], 'address':cd['address'], 'city':cd['city'], 'item':cd['item'], 'serial_number.:cd['serial_number'], 'problem':cd['problem'], } message = get_template('electroapp/email/order.html').render(Context(ctx)) msg = EmailMessage(subject,message,to=to,from_email=from_email) msg.content_subtype='html' msg.send() messages.success(request,' Your Repair order has been sent',) return redirect('electroapp:repair_order') else: order_form = OrderForm() return render(request,'electroapp/orderform.html',{'Order_form':order_form})

template file

browser error
enter image description here

console logs
console error logs

Asked By: gathagu



This could be because some fields may be missing.Take a look at this

You could do something like this to see what fields are available:

<form role="form" method="post">
     {% csrf_token %}
     {% bootstrap_form order_form %}
     {% buttons submit='OK' reset="Cancel" %}{% endbuttons %}

and then try to figure out why you are having missing fields.

Answered By: AudAbu

Parameter "field" should contain a valid Django BoundField

Why can't they just tell us which actual field? Well, here's how I solved it.

A little debugging and you'll find this is thrown within

class FieldRenderer(BaseRenderer):
"""Default field renderer."""

# These widgets will not be wrapped in a form-control class
WIDGETS_NO_FORM_CONTROL = (CheckboxInput, RadioSelect, CheckboxSelectMultiple, FileInput)

def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(field, BoundField):
        raise BootstrapError('Parameter "field" should contain a valid Django BoundField.')
    self.field = field
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) ...

The message is not helpful, but can be fixed in your dev/test environment.

WARNING: The following will void your warranty! 🙂

Go up a few steps in the render chain in (for example ~/.virtualenvs/your_env/lib/python3.8/site/packages/django/template/
and find SimpleNode.

class SimpleNode(TagHelperNode):

def __init__(self, func, takes_context, args, kwargs, target_var):
    super().__init__(func, takes_context, args, kwargs)
    self.target_var = target_var

def render(self, context):
    resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
    output = self.func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)
    if self.target_var is not None:
        context[self.target_var] = output
        return ''
    if context.autoescape:
        output = conditional_escape(output)
    return output

After copying the original file to a backup, change it as follows. We are wrapping the line

output = self.func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)

with a try/except. Here's the result:

class SimpleNode(TagHelperNode):

def __init__(self, func, takes_context, args, kwargs, target_var):
    super().__init__(func, takes_context, args, kwargs)
    self.target_var = target_var

def render(self, context):
    resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
    from bootstrap3.exceptions import BootstrapError
        output = self.func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)
    except BootstrapError as b:
        raise BootstrapError(str(b).replace('"field"', self.args[0].token)) from b
    if self.target_var is not None:
        context[self.target_var] = output
        return ''
    if context.autoescape:
        output = conditional_escape(output)
    return output

Within the SimpleNode class we have access to the name of the field that couldn't be rendered. So we intercept the exception there and re-throw it with the useful tidbit injected. Voila, you will now get an exception report that tells you the actual problem field.

Answered By: Benjamin Johnson