Disable auto wrap long line in Visual Studio Code


I use Visual Studio Code to write Python code with Pylint.

When I press Ctrl + S (save), the editor wraps a long line into multiple short lines. How do I disable the action or configure wrap column count to 120 (default is 80)?

I have tried "python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--max-line-length=120"] and "editor.wordWrapColumn": 120, but it didn’t work.

Asked By: Kymo Wang



Check your Python formatting provider.

"python.formatting.provider": "autopep8"

I guess in your case it is not Pylint which keeps wrapping the long lines, but autopep8. Try setting --max-line-length for autopep8 instead.

"python.formatting.autopep8Args": [
Answered By: Chayapol

When using custom arguments, each top-level element of an argument string that’s separated by space on the command line must be a separate item in the arguments list. For example:

"python.formatting.autopep8Args": [ 
  "--max-line-length", "120", "--experimental" 
"python.formatting.yapfArgs": [
  "--style", "{based_on_style: chromium, indent_width: 20}"
"python.formatting.blackArgs": [
  "--line-length", "100"

For proper formatting of these Python settings you can check
Formatter-specific settings:

Also check the answers here:

Allow statements before imports with Visual Studio Code and autopep8

Answered By: Meetai.com

Autopep8 requires --aggressive in order to recommend non-whitespace changes:

"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--max-line-length", "120", "--aggressive"]

This will wrap the long lines for you.

Answered By: Rob Haswell

If you’re using yapf as your formatter then the option is column_limit. For example, from settings.json:

"python.formatting.provider": "yapf",
"python.formatting.yapfArgs": [
    "--style={based_on_style: google, indent_width: 4, column_limit: 150}"
Answered By: Andy Brown

I tried the solution with different way. Search in VSC settings for "Autopep8". And as you can see there is an "Add Item" button in here. You can simply click it and paste the code there. The code will add in your "settings.json" file.


Answered By: Gaaartch