Resolving a relative url path to its absolute path


Is there a library in python that works like this?

>>> resolvePath("", "anotherpage.html")
>>> resolvePath("", "folder2/anotherpage.html")
>>> resolvePath("", "/folder3/anotherpage.html")
>>> resolvePath("", "../finalpage.html")


Yes, there is urlparse.urljoin, or urllib.parse.urljoin for Python 3.

>>> try: from urlparse import urljoin # Python2
... except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urljoin # Python3
>>> urljoin("", "anotherpage.html")
>>> urljoin("", "folder2/anotherpage.html")
>>> urljoin("", "/folder3/anotherpage.html")
>>> urljoin("", "../finalpage.html")

for copy-and-paste:

    from urlparse import urljoin  # Python2
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urljoin  # Python3
Answered By: James Brady

You can also call the urljoin function through Python’s requests library.

This code:

import requests

requests.compat.urljoin('', 'bar.html')

Will return a value of

Answered By: Pikamander2
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