how to upside down a text in python turtle.write() method?


nowadays I’m writing a program to fetch 4 poker cards from 52 poker cards randomly and I have to draw these pokers by python turtle module. Now here’s my question: cause there’s an upside-down number in pokers, just like this(the bottom right corner number)

at first I want to use this code to generate the numbers:

import turtle as do
def generate_digital(number, x, y, start_angle, size):
       this function generate '2-10'
       number: this is number you want to write
       x and y: this is the pen's initial location
       start_angle: the pen's initial direction
       size: the number's size
    do.goto(x, y)
    do.write(number, font=("Arial", size, "normal"))

I want to use
do.settheading() to set the angle of the number, but I found that it didn’t work! I can get a 5 but I can’t get a upside-down 5 using the do.write() method……

Now, the only way myself can think of is to use this

def generate_photo_2(x, y, start_angle, size):
       this function generate a '2'
       just like last function
    do.goto(x, y)
    do.pendown(), 200)
    do.fd(2 * size)
    do.fd(0.6 * size)
    do.fd(2 * size)

code to ‘draw’ a number, and by setting the start angle, I can ‘draw’ a upside-side number 2, but it causes a lot of trouble, isn’t it?

Could anybody tells me how to write() a upside-down number?
Thank you very much!!!

Asked By: Fletcher Wang



turtle doesn’t have function to display text upside down.

But turtle is built on top of tkinter module and Canvas widget which has method

create_text(x, y, text=.., angle=..., ...)

Working example

import turtle

c = turtle.getcanvas()

item_id = c.create_text(0, 0, text='5', angle=180, font=("Arial", 30, "normal"))

turtle.mainloop() # run tkinter event loop

Later you can change angle using item_id

c.itemconfig(item_id, angle=45) Canvas in tkinter.

BTW: I found information that only the newest tkinter with Tk 8.6 has angle=.
You can check version

import tkinter 

Answered By: furas