How do I open a visible excel full size?


I am running a python script on both my laptop and home computer with:

os.startfile(r'C:\A file.xlsx')

This works great, however I cannot seem to find anywhere on how to make this full size

Any idea on how I can make it full size through python?

I use both Apache OpenOffice and microsoft Excel


Asked By: user8950120



You should be able to maximize the window with this:

import win32gui, win32con, os, time

# Wait as long as needed for the file to open, this value can be adjusted as needed
# Now maximize the current foreground window (should be the one we care about at this point)
hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
win32gui.ShowWindow(hwnd, win32con.SW_MAXIMIZE)
Answered By: AetherUnbound

I did

import os
os.system(r'start "" /max EXCEL.EXE ' + path)

The "" /max is what makes it full screen. Path is the full path of the file. Make sure that EXCEL.EXE is discoverable from current directory when executing this.

Answered By: Lucas B Fankhauser