Python given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A in O(n) time complexity


For example:

input: A = [ 6 4 3 -5 0 2 -7 1 ]

output: 5

Since 5 is the smallest positive integer that does not occur in the array.

I have written two solutions to that problem. The first one is good but I don’t want to use any external libraries + its O(n)*log(n) complexity. The second solution "In which I need your help to optimize it" gives an error when the input is chaotic sequences length=10005 (with minus).

Solution 1:

from itertools import count, filterfalse 

def minpositive(a):
    return(next(filterfalse(set(a).__contains__, count(1))))

Solution 2:

def minpositive(a):
    count = 0
    b = list(set([i for i in a if i>0]))
    if min(b, default = 0)  > 1 or  min(b, default = 0)  ==  0 :
        min_val = 1
        min_val = min([b[i-1]+1 for i, x in enumerate(b) if x - b[i - 1] >1], default=b[-1]+1)
    return min_val

Note: This was a demo test in codility, solution 1 got 100% and
solution 2 got 77 %.
Error in "solution2" was due to:
Performance tests ->
medium chaotic sequences length=10005 (with minus) got 3 expected
Performance tests -> large chaotic + many -1, 1, 2, 3 (with
minus) got 5 expected 10000

Asked By: user8358337



Testing for the presence of a number in a set is fast in Python so you could try something like this:

def minpositive(a):
    A = set(a)
    ans = 1
    while ans in A:
       ans += 1
    return ans
Answered By: Peter de Rivaz
def solution(A):
    B = set(sorted(A))
    m = 1
    for x in B:
        if x == m:
    return m
Answered By: Najeeb Jebreel

Fast for large arrays.

def minpositive(arr):
    if 1 not in arr: # protection from error if ( max(arr) < 0 )
        return 1
        maxArr = max(arr) # find max element in 'arr'
        c1 = set(range(2, maxArr+2)) # create array from 2 to max
        c2 = c1 - set(arr) # find all positive elements outside the array
        return min(c2)

Answered By: Dimdimy4

I just modified the answer by @najeeb-jebreel and now the function gives an optimal solution.

def solution(A):
    sorted_set = set(sorted(A))
    sol = 1
    for x in sorted_set:
        if x == sol:
            sol += 1
    return sol
Answered By: nirojshrestha019
def minpositive(A):
    """Given an list A of N integers, 
    returns the smallest positive integer (greater than 0) 
    that does not occur in A in O(n) time complexity

            A: list of integers
            integer: smallest positive integer

            A = [1,2,3]
            smallest_positive_int = 4
    len_nrs_list = len(A)
    N = set(range(1, len_nrs_list+2))
    return min(N-set(A)) #gets the min value using the N integers
Answered By: mseromenho

Continuing on from Niroj Shrestha and najeeb-jebreel, added an initial portion to avoid iteration in case of a complete set. Especially important if the array is very large.

def smallest_positive_int(A):
  sorted_A = sorted(A)
  last_in_sorted_A = sorted_A[-1]
  #check if straight continuous list
  if len(sorted_A) == last_in_sorted_A:
    return last_in_sorted_A + 1
    #incomplete list, iterate to find the smallest missing number
    for x in sorted_A:
        if x == sol:
          sol += 1
    return sol

A = [1,2,7,4,5,6]

Answered By: ips1 38
def solution(A):
    arr = set(A)
    N = set(range(1, 100001))
    while N in arr:
       N += 1
    return min(N - arr)

solution([1, 2, 6, 4])
#returns 3
Answered By: O. Falana

I reduced the length of set before comparing

def sol(a_array):
    for i in a_array:

        #In order to get the greater performance
        #Checking if element is greater than length+1 
        #then it can't be output( our result in solution)
        if i<=len(a) and i >=1:
            a_set.add(i) # Adding array element in set 
            b_set.add(cnt) # Adding iterator in set
    if((len(b_set)) > 1): 
        return max(a_set)+1

Answered By: Ankit Arora
def solution(A):
    nw_A = sorted(set(A))
    if all(i < 0 for i in nw_A):
        return 1
        ans = 1
        while ans in nw_A:
            ans += 1
            if ans not in nw_A:
                return ans

For better performance if there is a possibility to import numpy package.

def solution(A):
    import numpy as np
    nw_A = np.unique(np.array(A))
    if np.all((nw_A < 0)):
        return 1
        ans = 1
        while ans in nw_A:
            ans += 1
            if ans not in nw_A:
                return ans
Answered By: Ravi

This question doesn’t really need another answer, but there is a solution that has not been proposed yet, that I believe to be faster than what’s been presented so far.

As others have pointed out, we know the answer lies in the range [1, len(A)+1], inclusively. We can turn that into a set and take the minimum element in the set difference with A. That’s a good O(N) solution since set operations are O(1).

However, we don’t need to use a Python set to store [1, len(A)+1], because we’re starting with a dense set. We can use an array instead, which will replace set hashing by list indexing and give us another O(N) solution with a lower constant.

def minpositive(a):
    # the "set" of possible answer - values_found[i-1] will tell us whether i is in a
    values_found = [False] * (len(a)+1)
    # note any values in a in the range [1, len(a)+1] as found
    for i in a:
        if i > 0 and i <= len(a)+1:
            values_found[i-1] = True
    # extract the smallest value not found
    for i, found in enumerate(values_found):
        if not found:
            return i+1

We know the final for loop always finds a value that was not marked, because it has one more element than a, so at least one of its cells was not set to True.

Answered By: joanis
def check_min(a):
    x= max(a)
    if x-1 in a:
        return x+1
    elif x <= 0:
        return 1
        return x-1

Correct me if i’m wrong but this works for me.

Answered By: Tanishq Sharma
def solution(A):
clone = 1
for itr in range(max(A) + 2):
    if itr not in A and itr >= 1:
        clone = itr
return clone


#returns 3
Answered By: Stephen

This solution passes the performance test with a score of 100%

def solution(A):
    n = sorted(i for i in set(A) if i > 0)  # Remove duplicates and negative numbers
    if not n:
        return 1
    ln = len(n)

    for i in range(1, ln + 1):
        if i != n[i - 1]:
            return i

    return ln + 1
Answered By: sandrows
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.6
min_num = float("inf")
set_A = set(A)
# finding the smallest number
for num in set_A:
    if num < min_num:
        min_num = num
# print(min_num)

#if negative make positive 
if min_num < 0 or min_num == 0:
    min_num = 1
# print(min_num)

# if in set add 1 until not 
while min_num in set_A:  
    min_num += 1
return min_num

Not sure why this is not 100% in correctness. It is 100% performance

Answered By: Olu

I have an easy solution. No need to sort.

def solution(A):
    s = set(A)
    m = max(A) + 2
    for N in range(1, m):
        if N not in s:
            return N
    return 1

Note: It is 100% total score (Correctness & Performance)

Answered By: mks
def solution(A):
    n = 1
    for i in A:
        if n in A:
            n = n+1 
            return n
    return n
Answered By: Rubén Vázquez
def not_in_A(a):
    if max(a)<1:
    for i in range(0,len(a)-1):
        if a[i+1]-a[i]>1:
            if out==0 or out<1:
Answered By: abhinav singh

mark and then find the first one that didn’t find

nums = [ 6, 4, 3, -5, 0, 2, -7, 1 ]
def check_min(nums):
    marks = [-1] * len(nums)
    for idx, num in enumerate(nums):
        if num >= 0:
            marks[num] = idx
    for idx, mark in enumerate(marks):
        if mark == -1:
            return idx
    return idx + 1
Answered By: 王毅钧