Shopify HMAC parameter verification failing in Python


I’m having some trouble verifying the HMAC parameter coming from Shopify. The code I’m using per the Shopify documentation is returning an incorrect result.

Here’s my annotated code:

import urllib
import hmac
import hashlib

qs = "hmac=96d0a58213b6aa5ca5ef6295023a90694cf21655cf301975978a9aa30e2d3e48&locale=en&protocol=https%3A%2F%2F&"

Parse the querystring

params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)

Extract the hmac value

value = params['hmac'][0]

Remove parameters from the querystring per documentation

del params['hmac']
del params['signature']

Recombine the parameters

new_qs = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)

Calculate the digest

h ="utf8"), msg=new_qs.encode("utf8"), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)

Returns False!

hmac.compare_digest(h.hexdigest(), value)

That last step should, ostensibly, return true. Every step followed here is outlined as commented in the Shopify docs.

Asked By: dwlz



At some point, recently, Shopify started including the protocol parameter in the querystring payload. This itself wouldn’t be a problem, except for the fact that Shopify doesn’t document that : and / are not to be URL-encoded when checking the signature. This is unexpected, given that they themselves do URL-encode these characters in the query string that is provided.

To fix the issue, provide the safe parameter to urllib.parse.urlencode with the value :/ (fitting, right?). The full working code looks like this:

params = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(qs)
cleaned_params = []
hmac_value = dict(params)['hmac']

# Sort parameters
for (k, v) in sorted(params):
    if k in ['hmac', 'signature']:

    cleaned_params.append((k, v))

new_qs = urllib.parse.urlencode(cleaned_params, safe=":/")
secret = SECRET.encode("utf8")
h =, msg=new_qs.encode("utf8"), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)

# Compare digests
hmac.compare_digest(h.hexdigest(), hmac_value)

Hope this is helpful for others running into this issue!

Answered By: dwlz
import hmac
import hashlib


# Inside your view in Django's
params = request.GET.dict()

myhmac = params.pop('hmac')
params['state'] = int(params['state'])
line = '&'.join([
    '%s=%s' % (key, value)
    for key, value in sorted(params.items())
h =

# Cinderella ?
print(hmac.compare_digest(h.hexdigest(), myhmac))
Answered By: pX0r
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