How to map numeric data into categories / bins in Pandas dataframe


I have a pandas dataframe:


It has around 3m rows. There are 3 kinds of age_units: Y, D, W for years, Days & Weeks. Any individual over 1 year old has an age unit of Y and my first grouping I want is <2y old so all I have to test for in Age Units is Y…

I want to create a new column AgeRange and populate with the following ranges:

  • <2
  • 2 – 18
  • 18 – 35
  • 35 – 65
  • 65+

so I wrote a function

def agerange(values):
    for i in values:
        if complete.Age_units == 'Y':
            if complete.Age > 1 AND < 18 return '2-18'
            elif complete.Age > 17 AND < 35 return '18-35'
            elif complete.Age > 34 AND < 65 return '35-65'
            elif complete.Age > 64 return '65+'
        else return '< 2'

I thought if I passed in the dataframe as a whole, I would get back what I needed and then could create the column I wanted something like this:

agedetails['age_range'] = ageRange(agedetails)

BUT when I try to run the first code to create the function I get:

  File "<ipython-input-124-cf39c7ce66d9>", line 4
    if complete.Age > 1 AND complete.Age < 18 return '2-18'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Clearly it is not accepting the AND – but I thought I heard in class I could use AND like this? I must be mistaken but then what would be the right way to do this?

So after getting that error, I’m not even sure the method of passing in a dataframe will throw an error either. I am guessing probably yes. In which case – how would I make that work as well?

I am looking to learn the best method, but part of the best method for me is keeping it simple even if that means doing things in a couple of steps…

Asked By: kiltannen



With Pandas, you should avoid row-wise operations, as these usually involve an inefficient Python-level loop. Here are a couple of alternatives.

Pandas: pd.cut

As @JonClements suggests, you can use pd.cut for this, the benefit here being that your new column becomes a Categorical.

You only need to define your boundaries (including np.inf) and category names, then apply pd.cut to the desired numeric column.

bins = [0, 2, 18, 35, 65, np.inf]
names = ['<2', '2-18', '18-35', '35-65', '65+']

df['AgeRange'] = pd.cut(df['Age'], bins, labels=names)


# Age             int64
# Age_units      object
# AgeRange     category
# dtype: object

NumPy: np.digitize

np.digitize provides another clean solution. The idea is to define your boundaries and names, create a dictionary, then apply np.digitize to your Age column. Finally, use your dictionary to map your category names.

Note that for boundary cases the lower bound is used for mapping to a bin.

import pandas as pd, numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'Age': [99, 53, 71, 84, 84],
                   'Age_units': ['Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y']})

bins = [0, 2, 18, 35, 65]
names = ['<2', '2-18', '18-35', '35-65', '65+']

d = dict(enumerate(names, 1))

df['AgeRange'] = np.vectorize(d.get)(np.digitize(df['Age'], bins))


   Age Age_units AgeRange
0   99         Y      65+
1   53         Y    35-65
2   71         Y      65+
3   84         Y      65+
4   84         Y      65+
Answered By: jpp

This task can also be done using numpy methods. In particular, can be used here to convert the numeric data into categorical data. It is very similar to the if-else ladder in the OP; only the conditions are in one list and the return values are in another list.

import numpy as np
conds = [df['Age']<2, df['Age'].between(2, 18), df['Age'].between(19, 35), df['Age'].between(36, 65)]
names = ['<2', '2-18', '18-35', '35-65', '65+']
df['AgeRange'] =, names[:-1], names[-1])

Another method is numpy.searchsorted. In fact, under the hood, pd.cut implements this method as well. The basic idea is to find where each age would be inserted in bins to preserve order (which is essentially what binning is) and select the corresponding label from names.

bins = [0, 2, 18, 35, 65, np.inf]
names = np.array(['<2', '2-18', '18-35', '35-65', '65+'])
df['AgeRange'] = names[np.searchsorted(bins, df['Age'])-1]
Answered By: cottontail