How to insert text at line and column position in a file?


I would like to insert a string at a specific column of a specific line in a file, without reading and rewriting the entire file.

Suppose I have a file file.txt

How was the English test?
How was the Math test?
How was the Chemistry test?
How was the test?

I would like to change the last line to say How was the History test? by adding the string History at line 4 column 13.

Currently I read in every line of the file and add the string to the specified position.

with open("file.txt", "r+") as f:
    # Read entire file
    lines = f.readlines()

    # Update line
    lino = 4 - 1
    colno = 13 -1
    lines[lino] = lines[lino][:colno] + "History " + lines[lino][colno:]

    # Rewrite file
    for line in lines:

But I feel like I should be able to simply add the line to the file without having to read and rewrite the entire file.


You can use this piece of code :

with open("test.txt",'r+') as f:
    # Read the file 

    # Gets the column

    # Gets the line

    # Gets the word


    # Delete the file

    for i in lines:
        # Append the lines
Answered By: user9313040

This is possibly a duplicate of below SO thread

Fastest Way to Delete a Line from Large File in Python

In above it’s a talk about delete, which is just a manipulation, and yours is more of a modification. So the code would get updated like below

def update(filename, lineno, column, text):
    fro = open(filename, "rb")

    current_line = 0
    while current_line < lineno - 1:
        current_line += 1

    seekpoint = fro.tell()
    frw = open(filename, "r+b"), 0)

    # read the line we want to update
    line = fro.readline()
    chars = line[0: column-1] + text + line[column-1:]

    while chars:
        chars = fro.readline()


if __name__ == "__main__":
    update("file.txt", 4, 13, "History ")

In a large file it make sense to not make modification till the lineno where the update needs to happen, Imagine you have file with 10K lines and update needs to happen at 9K, your code will load all 9K lines of data in memory unnecessarily. The code you have would work still but is not the optimal way of doing it

Answered By: Tarun Lalwani

I’m not sure whether you were having problems changing your file to contain the word “History”, or whether you wanted to know how to only rewrite certain parts of a file, without having to rewrite the whole thing.

If you were having problems in general, here is some simple code which should work, so long as you know the line within the file that you want to change. Just change the first and last lines of the program to read and write statements accordingly.

fileData="""How was the English test?
How was the Math test?
How was the Chemistry test?
How was the test?""" # So that I don't have to create the file, I'm writing the text directly into a variable.
fileData[3]=fileData[3][:11]+" History"+fileData[3][11:] # The 3 referes to the line to add "History" to. (The first line is line 0)
for i in fileData:storeData+=i+"n"
print(storeData) # You can change this to a write command.

If you wanted to know how to change specific “parts” to a file, without rewriting the whole thing, then (to my knowledge) that is not possible.

Say you had a file which said Ths is a TEST file., and you wanted to correct it to say This is a TEST file.; you would technically be changing 17 characters and adding one on the end. You are changing the “s” to an “i”, the first space to an “s”, the “i” (from “is”) to a space, etc… as you shift the text forward.

A computer can’t actually insert bytes between other bytes. It can only move the data, to make room.

Answered By: Programmer S

The function readlines() reads the entire file. But it doesn’t have to. It actually reads from the current file cursor position to the end, which happens to be 0 right after opening. (To confirm this, try f.tell() right after with statement.) What if we started closer to the end of the file?

The way your code is written implies some prior knowledge of your file contents and layouts. Can you place any constraints on each line? For example, given your sample data, we might say that lines are guaranteed to be 27 bytes or less. Let’s round that to 32 for “power of 2-ness” and try seeking backwards from the end of the file.

# note the "rb+"; need to open in binary mode, else seeking is strictly
# a "forward from 0" operation.  We need to be able to seek backwards
with open("file.txt", "rb+") as f:
    # caveat: if file is less than 32 bytes, this will throw
    # an exception.  The second parameter, 2, says "from end of file", 2)

    last = f.readlines()[-1].decode()

At which point the code has only read the last 32 bytes of the file.1 readlines() (at the byte level) will look for the line end byte (in Unix, n or 0x0a or byte value 10), and return the before and after. Spelled out:

>>> last = f.readlines()
>>> print( last )
[b'hemistry test?n', b'How was the test?']

>>> last = last[-1]
>>> print( last )
b'How was the test?'

Crucially, this works robustly under UTF-8 encoding by exploiting the UTF-8 property that ASCII byte values under 128 do not occur when encoding non-ASCII bytes. In other words, the exact byte n (or 0x0a) only ever occurs as a newline and never as part of a character. If you are using a non-UTF-8 encoding, you will need to check if the code assumptions still hold.

Another note: 32 bytes is arbitrary given the example data. A more realistic and typical value might be 512, 1024, or 4096. Finally, to put it back to a working example for you:

with open("file.txt", "rb+") as f:
    # caveat: if file is less than 32 bytes, this will throw
    # an exception.  The second parameter, 2, says "from end of file", 2)

    # does *not* read while file, unless file is exactly 32 bytes.
    last = f.readlines()[-1]
    last_decoded = last.decode()

    # Update line
    colno = 13 -1
    last_decoded = last_decoded[:colno] + "History " + last_decoded[colno:]

    last_line_bytes = len( last ), 2)
    f.write( last_decoded.encode() )

Note that there is no need for f.close(). The with statement handles that automatically.

1 The pedantic will correctly note that the computer and OS will likely have read at least 512 bytes, if not 4096 bytes, relating to the on-disk or in-memory page size.

Answered By: hunteke

This answer will only loop through the file once and only write everything after the insert. In cases where the insert is at the end there is almost no overhead and where the insert at the beginning it is no worse than a full read and write.

def insert(file, line, column, text):
    ln, cn = line - 1, column - 1         # offset from human index to Python index
    count = 0                             # initial count of characters
    with open(file, 'r+') as f:           # open file for reading an writing
        for idx, line in enumerate(f):    # for all line in the file
            if idx < ln:                  # before the given line
                count += len(line)        # read and count characters 
            elif idx == ln:               # once at the line                                 
       + cn)        # place cursor at the correct character location
                remainder =      # store all character afterwards                       
       + cn)        # move cursor back to the correct character location
                f.write(text + remainder) # insert text and rewrite the remainder
                return                    # You're finished!
Answered By: Chris Hagmann
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