Python element-wise tuple operations like sum


Is there anyway to get tuple operations in Python to work like this:

>>> a = (1,2,3)
>>> b = (3,2,1)
>>> a + b

instead of:

>>> a = (1,2,3)
>>> b = (3,2,1)
>>> a + b

I know it works like that because the __add__ and __mul__ methods are defined to work like that. So the only way would be to redefine them?

Asked By: Rodrigo



import operator
tuple(map(operator.add, a, b))
Answered By: ironfroggy

Yes. But you can’t redefine built-in types. You have to subclass them:

class MyTuple(tuple):
    def __add__(self, other):
         if len(self) != len(other):
             raise ValueError("tuple lengths don't match")
         return MyTuple(x + y for (x, y) in zip(self, other))
Answered By: Doug

Sort of combined the first two answers, with a tweak to ironfroggy’s code so that it returns a tuple:

import operator

class stuple(tuple):
    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(map(operator.add, self, other))
        # obviously leaving out checking lengths

>>> a = stuple([1,2,3])
>>> b = stuple([3,2,1])
>>> a + b
(4, 4, 4)

Note: using self.__class__ instead of stuple to ease subclassing.

Answered By: Dana

Using all built-ins..

tuple(map(sum, zip(a, b)))
Answered By: Kenan Banks
from numpy import array

a = array( [1,2,3] )
b = array( [3,2,1] )

print a + b

gives array([4,4,4]).


Answered By: Mike

simple solution without class definition that returns tuple

import operator
Answered By: DemonEye

All generator solution. Not sure on performance (itertools is fast, though)

import itertools
tuple(x+y for x, y in itertools.izip(a,b))
Answered By: Mike

This solution doesn’t require an import:

tuple(map(lambda x, y: x + y, tuple1, tuple2))
Answered By: Boaz Shvartzman

Generator comprehension could be used instead of map. Built-in map function is not obsolete but it’s less readable for most people than list/generator/dict comprehension, so I’d recommend not to use map function in general.

tuple(p+q for p, q in zip(a, b))
Answered By: Jaehyun Yeom

even simpler and without using map, you can do that

>>> tuple(sum(i) for i in zip((1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 1)))
(4, 4, 4)
Answered By: LetsPlayYahtzee

In case someone need to average a list of tuples:

import operator 
from functools import reduce
tuple(reduce(lambda x, y: tuple(map(operator.add, x, y)),list_of_tuples))
Answered By: ytutow

I currently subclass the “tuple” class to overload +,- and *. I find it makes the code beautiful and writing the code easier.

class tupleN(tuple):
    def __add__(self, other):
        if len(self) != len(other):
             return NotImplemented
             return tupleN(x+y for x,y in zip(self,other))
    def __sub__(self, other):
        if len(self) != len(other):
             return NotImplemented
             return tupleN(x-y for x,y in zip(self,other))
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if len(self) != len(other):
             return NotImplemented
             return tupleN(x*y for x,y in zip(self,other))

t1 = tupleN((1,3,3))
t2 = tupleN((1,3,4))
print(t1 + t2, t1 - t2, t1 * t2, t1 + t1 - t1 - t1)
(2, 6, 7) (0, 0, -1) (1, 9, 12) (0, 0, 0)
Answered By: user2012588

Here is another handy solution if you are already using numpy.
It is compact and the addition operation can be replaced by any numpy expression.

import numpy as np
tuple(np.array(a) + b)
Answered By: Hugues

I keep coming back to this question, and I don’t particularly like any of the answers as they are all answering the question for the general case, and I’m normally looking for the answer to a special case: I’m normally using a fixed tuple count, e.g. for n-dimensions.

   # eg adding a dx/dy to an xy point.
   # if I have a point xy and another point dxdy
   x, y = xy
   dx, dy = dxdy
   return x+dx, y+dy

while I normally shudder at unnecessary variables, the reason why I am unpacking a tuple is normally because I am working on the elements as individuals, and that is what is happening with tuple addition as requested above.

Answered By: Konchog
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