Python Airflow – Return result from PythonOperator


I have written a DAG with multiple PythonOperators

task1 = af_op.PythonOperator(task_id='Data_Extraction_Environment',
                          python_callable=Task1, dag=dag1)

def Task1(**kwargs):

From PythonOperator i am calling “Task1” method. That method is returning a value,that value i need to pass to the next PythonOperator.How can i get the value from the “task1” variable or How can i get the value which is returned from Task1 method?

updated :

    def Task1(**kwargs):
          file_name = kwargs['dag_run'].conf.get[file]
          task_instance = kwargs['task_instance']
          task_instance.xcom_push(key='file', value=file_name) 
          return file_name

  t1 = PythonOperator(task_id = 'Task1',provide_context=True,python_callable=Task1,dag=dag)

  t2 =   BashOperator(
      bash_command='python /home/ {{ task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='Task1',key='file') }} ',

Asked By: Teja



You might want to check out Airflow’s XCOM:

If you return a value from a function, this value is stored in xcom. In your case, you could access it like so from other Python code:

task_instance = kwargs['task_instance']

or in a template like so:

{{ task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='Task1') }}

If you want to specify a key you can push into XCOM (being inside a task):

task_instance = kwargs['task_instance']
task_instance.xcom_push(key='the_key', value=my_str)

Then later on you can access it like so:

task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='my_task', key='the_key')


Follow-up question: Instead of using the value in another function how can i pass the value to another PythonOperator like – "t2 = "BashOperator(task_id=’Moving_bucket’, bash_command=’python /home/ "%s" ‘%file_name, dag=dag)" — i want to access file_name which is returned by "Task1". How can this will be acheived?

First of all, it seems to me that the value is, in fact, not being passed to another PythonOperator but to a BashOperator.

Secondly, this is already covered in my answer above. The field bash_command is templated (see template_fields in the source: Hence, we can use the templated version:

  bash_command='python /home/ {{ task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='Task1') }} ',


Airflow works like this: It will execute Task1, then populate xcom and then execute the next task. So for your example to work you need Task1 executed first and then execute Moving_bucket downstream of Task1.

Since you are using a return function, you could also omit the key='file' from xcom_pull and not manually set it in the function.

Answered By: tobi6

I’m leaving a different example for those in need:

xcom_push is only accessible from a task instance object. With the PythonOperator we can access it by passing the parameter ti to the python callable function. In Airflow 1.10.x, we had to set the argument provide_context but in Airflow 2.0, that’s not the case anymore.

Notice the argument ti. Once we can access the task instance object, we can call xcom_push. And to help track the data, xcom_push expects two parameters, a key that you can specify and the returned value:

def _training_model(ti):
accuracy = uniform(0.1, 10.0)
print(f'model's accuracy: {accuracy}')
ti.xcom_push(key='model_accuracy', value=accuracy)

In order to pull a XCom from a task, you have to use the xcom_pull method. Like xcom_push, this method is available through a task instance object. xcom_pull expects the key matching ids that will be pulled and the name of the returned value (important because it looks like we can specify multiple task ids, therefore we can pull XComs from multiple tasks at once).

def _choose_best_model(ti):
fetched_accuracy = ti.xcom_pull(key='model_accuracy', task_ids=['training_model_A'])
print(f'choose best model: {fetched_accuracy}')

This article is quite complete and explains it all in detail and with lots of examples. Marc Lamberti is a reference in the subject Airflow.
I found all the answers I was looking for in this link above.

Answered By: Catharina Oliveira
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