Pandas – get first n-rows based on percentage


I have a dataframe i want to pop certain number of records, instead on number I want to pass as a percentage value.

for example,


Pops out first 10 records from data set. I want a small change instead of 10 records i want to pop first 5% of record from my data set.
How to do this in pandas.

I’m looking for a code like this,


Is there any simple way to get this?

Asked By: Mohamed Thasin ah



I want to pop first 5% of record

There is no built-in method but you can do this:

You can multiply the total number of rows to your percent and use the result as parameter for head method.

n = 5

So if your dataframe contains 1000 rows and n = 5% you will get the first 50 rows.

I’ve extended Mihai’s answer for my usage and it may be useful to people out there.
The purpose is automated top-n records selection for time series sampling, so you’re sure you’re taking old records for training and recent records for testing.

# having 
# import pandas as pd 
# df = pd.DataFrame... 

def sample_first_prows(data, perc=0.7):
    import pandas as pd
    return data.head(int(len(data)*(perc)))

train = sample_first_prows(df)
test = df.iloc[max(train.index):]
Answered By: Julian
          0         1
0  0.375727 -1.297127
1 -0.676528  0.301175
2 -2.236334  0.154765
3 -0.127439  0.415495
4  1.399427 -1.244539
5 -0.884309 -0.108502
6 -0.884931  2.089305
7  0.075599  0.404521
8  1.836577 -0.762597
9  0.294883  0.540444

#70% of the Dataframe

          0         1
8  1.836577 -0.762597
2 -2.236334  0.154765
5 -0.884309 -0.108502
6 -0.884931  2.089305
3 -0.127439  0.415495
1 -0.676528  0.301175
0  0.375727 -1.297127
Answered By: Aniruddha Pal

may be this will help:

tt  = tmp.groupby('id').apply(lambda x: x.head(int(len(x)*0.05))).reset_index(drop=True)
Answered By: shui

I also had the same problem and @mihai’s solution was useful. For my case I re-wrote to:-

    percentage_to_take = 5/100
    rows = int(df.shape[0]*percentage_to_take)

I presume for last percentage rows df.tail(rows) or df.head(-rows) would work as well.

Answered By: Walker
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