how to send a local file in bale bot to a client?


I’ve tried some code but I was not successful to send a file message with my bot. After upload my file I’m not able to get file_id and access_hash and other from the server to send it.
It’s my code:

def ask_photo(bot, update):
    user_peer = update.get_effective_user()

def file_upload_success(response):
    photo_message = PhotoMessage(file_id=response.file_id,  
        access_hash=response.access_hash, name="photo", file_size="100",
        mime_type="image/jpeg", thumb=response.thumb, width=80, height=80,
    bot.send_message(photo_message, user_peer)

It doesn’t work! 🙁
any help?

Asked By: GreatReza



You should use success callback to handle what you need after uploading the file.Result and user_data are parameters you can get file_id and access_hash from.
here is a complete example:

def ask_photo(bot, update):
    user_peer = update.get_effective_user()

    def file_upload_success(result, user_data):
        """Its the link of upload photo but u cant see anything with it because you need to take a token from server.
            actually this link is just for uploading a file not download. If you want to download this file you should
            use get_file_download_url() and take a token from server.
        print("upload was successful : ", result)
        file_id = str(user_data.get("file_id", None))
        access_hash = str(user_data.get("user_id", None))
        print("fileIDD: ", file_id, "access", access_hash)
        v_message = PhotoMessage(file_id=file_id, access_hash=access_hash, name="Bale", file_size='11337',
                                 mime_type="image/jpeg", caption_text=TextMessage(text="Bale"),
                                 file_storage_version=1, thumb=None)

        bot.send_message(v_message, user_peer, success_callback=success, failure_callback=failure)

    bot.upload_file(file="../files/upload_file_test.jpeg", file_type="file", success_callback=file_upload_success,
    message = TextMessage("Thanks nplease send a Hello voice message.")
    user_peer = update.get_effective_user()
    bot.send_message(message, user_peer, success_callback=success, failure_callback=failure)
    dispatcher.register_conversation_next_step_handler(update, MessageHandler(VoiceFilter(), finish_conversion))
Answered By: Olive Hair

I think this code can help you

import asyncio
from balebot.filters import
from balebot.models.messages import
from balebot.updater import Updater

updater = Updater(token="PUT YOUR TOKEN HERE",loop=asyncio.get_event_loop())
bot =
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher

def success(response, user_data):
    print("success : ", response)

def failure(response, user_data):
    print("failure : ", response)

def send_txt_file(bot, update):
    user_peer = update.get_effective_user()

def file_upload_success(result, user_data):
    print("upload was successful : ", result)
    file_id = str(user_data.get("file_id", None))
    access_hash = str(user_data.get("user_id", None))
    file_message = DocumentMessage(file_id=file_id, access_hash=access_hash, name="Bale", file_size='PUT YOUR FILE SIZE HERE',
    mime_type="PUT YOUR FILE MIME TYPE HERE", caption_text=TextMessage(text="HELLO"),
    bot.send_message(file_message, user_peer, success_callback=success, failure_callback=failure)

bot.upload_file(file="PUT YOUR FILE LOCATION ADDRESS HERE", file_type="file", success_callback=file_upload_success,

Answered By: masoodbayati

in python-bale-bot, you can follows these steps:

  1. First, send the file to the bot in Bale messenger in order to find its file_id.
async def on_callback(message: bale.Message):
    if message.document:
  1. Now that we have the file_id, we can send the file to them, as if the bot is forwarding a document message.
async def on_callback(callback: bale.CallbackQuery):
    await = "Your file id", ...)

In this method, there is no need to open the file in your python script. Your file can be recognized using its ID.

Answered By: okaeiz
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