Split dataframe into grouped chunks


I would like to split a dataframe into chunks. I have created a function which is able to split a dataframe into equal size chunks however am unable to figure out how to split by groups.

Each split of dataframe must include all instances of a grouping variable, I’d like flexibility on how many groups could be included (as they are relatively small).

Example dataframe:

A  1
A  2
B  3
C  1
D  9
D  10

Target splits (include at least two groups):

Split 1:

A  1
A  2
B  3

Split 2:

C  1
D  9
D  10

If helpful, my current function looks like the following:

def split_frame(sequence, size=10000):
    return (sequence[position:position + size] for position in range(0, len(sequence), size))

Help appreciated!

Asked By: shbfy



Works in Python 2 and 3:

df = pd.DataFrame(data=['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'v', 'v', 'f'], columns=['A']) 

def iter_by_group(df, column, num_groups):
    groups = []
    for i, group in df.groupby(column):
        if len(groups) == num_groups:
            yield pd.concat(groups)
            groups = []
    if groups:
        yield pd.concat(groups)

for group in iter_by_group(df, 'A', 2):

0  a
1  a
4  a
5  a
2  b
6  b

3  c
9  f

7  v
8  v
Answered By: Dennis Golomazov

The answer from Dennis Golomazov was too slow for my dataframes.
Storing the groups in a list and returning them with pd.concat() is a performance killer.

Here is a slightly faster version.
It enumerates the groups and returns them via their group number.

import pandas as pd

def group_chunks(df, column, chunk_size):
    df["n_group"] = df.groupby(column).ngroup()
    lower_group_index = 0
    upper_group_index = chunk_size - 1
    max_group_index = df["n_group"].max()
    while lower_group_index <= max_group_index:
        yield df.loc[:, df.columns != "n_group"][
            df["n_group"].between(lower_group_index, upper_group_index)
        lower_group_index = upper_group_index + 1
        upper_group_index = upper_group_index + chunk_size

df = pd.DataFrame(data=['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'v', 'v', 'f'], columns=['A']) 
for chunk in group_chunks(df, 'A', 2):

0  a
1  a
4  a
5  a
2  b
6  b

3  c
9  f

7  v
8  v

Answered By: Arigion

This should work as well:

n = 2
splits = {g:df for g,df in df.groupby(df.groupby('A').ngroup().floordiv(n))}

Each df can be accessed by the key in the dictionary. It would also then be possible to concat them back to one df, which now shows the group in the index

pd.concat(splits,names = ['groups'])
Answered By: rhug123

A look at the various methods

def golomazov(df, column, num_groups):
    groups = []
    for i, group in df.groupby(column):
        if len(groups) == num_groups:
            yield pd.concat(groups)
            groups = []
    if groups:
        yield pd.concat(groups)
def arigion(df, column, chunk_size):
    df["n_group"] = df.groupby(column).ngroup()
    lower_group_index = 0
    upper_group_index = chunk_size - 1
    max_group_index = df["n_group"].max()
    while lower_group_index <= max_group_index:
        yield df.loc[:, df.columns != "n_group"][
            df["n_group"].between(lower_group_index, upper_group_index)
        lower_group_index = upper_group_index + 1
        upper_group_index = upper_group_index + chunk_size

def rhug123(df, column, n):
    return {g: df for g, df in df.groupby(df.groupby('Symbol').ngroup().floordiv(n))}

def misantroop(df, column, num_groups):
    symbol_groups = df.groupby(column)
    groups = np.array_split(list(symbol_groups.groups), num_groups)
    for group in groups:
        yield pd.concat([symbol_groups.get_group(name) for name in group])

%timeit golomazov(df, 'Symbol', n)
157 ns ± 0.647 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000,000 loops each)
from pympler.asizeof = 414176

%timeit arigion(df, 'Symbol', n)
160 ns ± 0.903 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000,000 loops each)
from pympler.asizeof = 414176

%timeit rhug123(df, 'Symbol', n)
5.53 ms ± 28 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
from pympler.asizeof = 57534096

%timeit misantroop(df, 'Symbol', num_groups=n*40)
191 ns ± 2.09 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
from pympler.asizeof = 414176
Answered By: misantroop
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