How to make yield batches with a custom generator


I want to use the API. My expected workflow looks like the following:

  • Input image is a 5D tensor with (batch_size, width, height,
    channels, frames)

  • First layer is a 3D convolution

I use the function to create an iterator. Later I make a initializable iterator.

My code would look something like this:

def custom_gen():
   img = np.random.normal((width, height, channels, frames))
   yield(img, img) # I train an autoencoder, so the x == y`

dataset =
iter = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()

sess = tf.Session()

I would expect that iter.get_next() yielded me a 5D tensor with the batch size. However, I even tried to yield the batch size in my own custom_generator and it does not work. I face an error, when I want to initialize the dataset with my placeholder of the input shape (batch_size, width, height, channels, frames).

Asked By: Lau



The Dataset construction process in that example is ill-formed. It should be done in this order, as also established by the official guide on Importing Data:

  1. A base dataset creation function or static method should be called for establishing the original source of data (e.g. the static methods from_slice_tensors, from_generator, list_files, …).
  2. At this point, transformations may be applied by chaining adapter methods (such as batch).

Thus, in TensorFlow 2.9:

dataset =
         tf.TensorSpec(shape=(width, height, channels, frames), dtype=tf.float32),
         tf.TensorSpec(shape=(width, height, channels, frames), dtype=tf.float32)

In TensorFlow 1:

dataset =