stripe: iterate over ALL coupons


I’m using stripe in my website. I’m trying to check if a user supplied input matches a coupon but I can’t figure out how to iterate over all coupons (it appears I always need to enter a limit which can range from 1 to 100):

Here’s what I’ve tried so far, which only returns 10 coupons which is the default:

coupons = stripe.Coupon.list(limit=None)
Asked By: Johnny Metz



Reading the documentation, it looks like you need to paginate through the results.

Basically, you request for a first page of N coupons, and if there is more to fetch, you request for the next N coupons, starting from the last one of your previous request.

Looking at the docs, I came up with this approach:

def get_all_coupons(page_size=100):
    last_coupon = None
    while True:
        response = stripe.Coupon.list(limit=page_size, starting_after=last_coupon)
        coupons = response['data']
        if coupons:
            for coupon in coupons:
                yield coupon
            last_coupon = coupons[-1]
        if not response['has_more']:

get_all_coupons() return a generator, that yields all the coupons, fetching 100 at a time.

Note: I have not tested this.

Answered By: Matias Cicero

I’ve never used stripe but the docs say you can use the starting_after attribute to define your place in the coupons list. I don’t know how to read the coupon IDs from the list it returns but you will need that.

# Coupons 0 - 100
coupons_list_1 = stripe.Coupon.list(limit=100)
# Get last coupon in coupons_list_1 and get its ID
last_coupon_id = '$1OFF'
# Coupons 100 - 200
coupons_list_2  = stripe.Coupon.list(starting_after=last_coupon_id, limit=100)

# Check if user inputted coupon is in either list
userinput in coupons_list_1 + coupons_list_2 
Answered By: Alex Palumbo

stripe now supports auto-pagination:

customers = stripe.Customer.list(limit=3)
for customer in customers.auto_paging_iter():
# Do something with customer
Answered By: Go Blue
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