Visual Studio code with PyLint and autoPep8: How can I avoid PyLint to complain about my line length?


I recently switched to Visual Studio Code and I have to say I love it so far.

I’m working on a Python project, which includes the pip packages pylint and autopep8 and I configured VSCode to format the code according to these packages.

Only problem is: In the Python project I’m working on the line length is 100. So all my code looks like this:

The error says: `E501:line too long (97 > 79 characters)

The error says: E501:line too long (97 > 79 characters). Here are my VSCode settings:

  "python.pythonPath": "~/.envs/myProject/bin/python",
  "python.linting.pep8Enabled": true,
  "python.linting.pylintPath": "~/.envs/myProject/bin/pylint",
  "python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--load-plugins", "pylint_django", "--max-line-length=100"],
  "python.formatting.autopep8Args": ["--max-line-length=100"],
  "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
  "files.exclude": {
    "**/.git": true,
    "**/.svn": true,
    "**/.hg": true,
    "**/CVS": true,
    "**/.DS_Store": true,
    ".vscode": true,
    "**/*.pyc": true

These settings at least now ensure that format on save keeps the lines at 100 max and does not wrap all my files lines to 79. Still it would be awesome without the warnings.

How do I disable these linter warnings?

Asked By: J. Hesters



I figured out how to do this. Add this line to your settings:

"python.linting.pep8Args": ["--max-line-length=100"],
Answered By: J. Hesters

2020 version:

Add the following entry to your settings.json file

"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["-d", "C0301"],

If you haven’t disabled these errors, and encounter a line too long warning, under "Problems" in VSCode, or by hovering over the underlined error, you will see VSCode say something along the lines of:

Line too long (188/100)Pylint(C0301:line-too-long)

As you can see, the value C0301 comes directly from this warning message. You can additionally disable other warnings by their error code as well.

Answered By: sobutterysosmooth

For pycodestyle in Vscode 1.15.1:

"python.linting.pycodestyleArgs": ["--max-line-length=100"],
Answered By: Janos

For me the following worked. (VSCode version == 1.73.0)

Go to Settings.

Search "pylint".

Scroll down to "Pylint : Args"

Click "Add Item"

Type this in, –max-line-length=200

Adjust the max-line-length to your desired length.

Answered By: amc007

As of 2021 (Pylint reference), add this to your .vscode/settings.json file:

"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--max-line-length=100"]
Answered By: CodeBiker

For some reason, this setting worked for me:

"pylint.args": ["--max-line-length=100"]
Answered By: Usman Tariq