Selenium error message "selenium.webdriver has no attribute execute script"


I am using selenium to scrape an infinite scrolling page.

I am trying to use this code:

import time
import pandas as np
import numpy as np

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import By

browser = webdriver.Chrome()
url = ''



# Get scroll height
last_height = webdriver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")

while True:
    # Scroll down to bottom

    # Wait to load page

    # Calculate new scroll height and compare with last scroll height
    new_height = webdriver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")
    if new_height == last_height:
    last_height = new_height

I obtained this code from multiple sources, the most recent being:

How can I scroll a web page using selenium webdriver in python?

I updated it to include “webdriver” instead of “driver” because I import selenium as webdriver. It doesn’t work otherwise.

My issue is that when I run the code I get:

AttributeError: module 'selenium.webdriver' has no attribute 'execute_script'

I don’t really understand what this means and how to fix it? I haven’t been able to find information on this.

I am new to python and so am probably missing something obvious but any advice would be appreciated.

Asked By: agra94



To make it work you have to create an instance of webdriver, e.g.:

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome() # webdriver.Ie(), webdriver.Firefox()...
last_height = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")

You can download Chromedriver from here

You also need to add path to Chromedriver to your environment variable PATH or just put downloaded file into the same folder as your Python executable…

Answered By: Andersson
AttributeError: module 'selenium.webdriver' has no attribute 'execute_script'

You are getting this error because ‘execute_script’ is not a class attribute, you just can not use it directly. Since it is an instance attribute you should create an instance of the class. Please check here to learn more about classes.

This will work fine now since ‘execute_script’ is running as an instance attribute.

last_height = browser.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")

Your final code would have looked like this:

import time
import pandas as np
import numpy as np

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import By

browser = webdriver.Chrome()
url = ''



# Get scroll height
last_height = browser.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")

while True:
    # Scroll down to bottom

    # Wait to load page

    # Calculate new scroll height and compare with last scroll height
    new_height = webdriver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")
    if new_height == last_height:
    last_height = new_height
Answered By: teoman

webdriver is the name of the module, not your instance of it. In fact, you assigned the instance you created to the name browser with this line: browser = webdriver.Chrome()

so instead of calling webdriver.execute_script() (which will give you an AttributeError), you must call it using your instance, like this: browser.execute_script().

Answered By: Corey Goldberg

For others check your function name. For me I wrote Java function name not the Python one

driver.execute_script("script") # Python
driver.ExecuteScript("script"); # Java

Posting this here because its the top google result for the error

Answered By: mustafa candan