How to change the language / locale in Dash (Plotly) or the label of the Plotly toolbar?


Plotly Toolbar

I have been able to successfully modify Plotly’s toolbar in Dash using a dict (config) passed to dash_core_components.Graph

Now I want to change the “tooltip” or label of the remaining buttons to another language.
The documentation states that I can change de locale (language) of the labels using the “locale” parameter. I’ve seen this both in JavaScript and R docs, being applied to Plotly Graphs or to dash_core_components.Graph:

Now I need to do this in Python, but I haven’t been able to do this. This is what I’ve tried:

config_plots = {'modeBarButtonsToRemove':["sendDataToCloud","lasso2d","pan2d","autoScale2d","select2d","zoom2d","zoomIn2d", "zoomOut2d"],


I have added the locale parameter as well to plotly graphs (plotly.graph_objs) and tried with different locales I know that exist, but I’ve had no luck so far.

The question:
How can I customize the text of the labels? Am I missing something using the locale parameter? Is there any way to change the text of the labels so I can translate it without using the locale parameter?

Please note that I know very little of JavaScript so I would prefer to do this in Python if possible

Asked By: David Olmo Pérez



According to this plotly documentation you need to register any new language first.

In your case this means you need to add

to your dashboard.

Either by

app.scripts.append_script({"external_url": ""})

or by downloading the js file and coping it to the assets folder in your dashboards root folder.

See for more information.

Answered By: phifre

In django-dash-plotly I had to do this:

  • Add the localization script to the external scripts:
        app = DjangoDash(
  • Configure the Graph with the locale.
    app.layout = [
            config={"locale": 'es'},
Answered By: dmcontador