ValueError: The shape of all parameters


For my experiment, I have a very small time series data ready with three columns formatted as follows. The full dataset is attached here for reproduciability since I can’t attach a file on stackoverflow:

  time        X      Y
 0.040662  1.041667  1
 0.139757  1.760417  2
 0.144357  1.190104  1
 0.145341  1.047526  1
 0.145401  1.011882  1
 0.148465  1.002970  1
 ....      .....     .

We wanted to do smoothing and here is my code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from pykalman import KalmanFilter 
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('testdata.csv')
pd.set_option('use_inf_as_null', True)


X = df.drop('Y', axis=1)
y = df['Y']

d1= np.array(X)
d2 = np.array(y)

measurements = np.asarray(d1)

kf = KalmanFilter(transition_matrices=[1],
state_means, state_covariances = kf.filter(measurements) 
state_std = np.sqrt(state_covariances[:,0]) 
print (state_std) 
print (state_means) 
print (state_covariances)

plt.plot(measurements, '-r', label='measurment') 
plt.plot(state_means, '-g', label='kalman-filter output') 
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

If we consider only the X and Y columns as I did in my code above, it gives the following plot output

enter image description here

I wanted to have the first column (‘time) (1-10) on the x-axis) and the values of the second column (X) on the y-axis.

However, when I try to add the first column in my dataset (time), I am getting the following error

ValueError: The shape of all parameters is not consistent. Please re-check their values.

How can I solve this problem? Any help would be appreciated.

Asked By: user10553396



You can do the following changes:

1 Add measurements[0,1], so the input to intial_state_mean is a single value. This should get rid of the error you were seeing.

kf = KalmanFilter(transition_matrices=[1],
                  initial_state_mean=measurements[0,1], # Change here

2 Change the input to kf.filter to include only the X column: measurements[:,1].

state_means, state_covariances = kf.filter(measurements[:,1]) # Change here
state_std = np.sqrt(state_covariances[:,0])
print (state_std)
print (state_means)
print (state_covariances)

3 Plot the time in the x-axis.

plt.plot(measurements[:,0], measurements[:,1], '-r', label='measurment') # Change here
plt.plot(measurements[:,0], state_means, '-g', label='kalman-filter output') # Change here
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Answered By: Bruno Lubascher

By using above code how can we smooth more. Actually my dataset is speed of vehicle and i want to smooth using kalman fiter ,this code is working for me but I amnt getting which parameter needs to be change to get more smooth signal. my data is collected at 20 HZ frequency and rows about 50 k .

Is there who can help, I am new.

Answered By: Mylo