How I can convert a list of integers to an image?


I converted an image to a list of integers.
[226, 137, 125, 226, 137, 125, 223, 137, 133, 223, 136, 128, 226, 138, 120, 226, 129, 116, 228, 138, 123, 227, 134, 124, 227, 140, 127, 225, 136, 119, 228, 135, 126, 225, 134, 121, 223, 130, 108, 226, 139, 119, 223, 135, 120, 221, 129, 114, 221, 134, 108, 221, 131, 113, 222, 138, 121, 222, 139, 114, 223, 127, 109, 223, 132, 105, 224, 129, 102, 221, 134, 109, 218, 131, 110, 221, 133, 113, 223, 130, 108, 225, 125, 98, 221, 130, 121, 221, 129, 111, 220, 127, 121, 223, 131, 109, 225, 127, 103, 223]
How I can reverse this process and recover my image. I used PIL library and python 3.6.

Asked By: SS-KH



You can use PIL and numPy. Try the code as given below.

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

pixels =[226, 137, 125, 226, 137, 125, 223, 137, 133, 223, 136, 128, 226, 138, 120, 226, 129, 116, 228, 138, 123, 227, 134, 124, 227, 140, 127, 225, 136, 119, 228, 135, 126, 225, 134, 121, 223, 130, 108, 226, 139, 119, 223, 135, 120, 221, 129, 114, 221, 134, 108, 221, 131, 113, 222, 138, 121, 222, 139, 114, 223, 127, 109, 223, 132, 105, 224, 129, 102, 221, 134, 109, 218, 131, 110, 221, 133, 113, 223, 130, 108, 225, 125, 98, 221, 130, 121, 221, 129, 111, 220, 127, 121, 223, 131, 109, 225, 127, 103, 223] 

# Convert the pixels into an array using numpy
array = np.array(pixels, dtype=np.uint8)

# Use PIL to create an image from the new array of pixels
new_image = Image.fromarray(array)'new.png')


image_out =,image.size)
Answered By: Irfanuddin

calling list on bytes gives you a list of integers.

some_bytes = b'xbexbfxc0'


[190, 191, 192]

calling bytes on a list of integers gives you bytes.



read an image into a list of integers:

>>>> with open("acme.png","rb") as ifile:
....     a_list= list(

write that list of integers to a new image file

>>>> with open("acme2.png","wb+") as ofile:
....     ofile.write(bytes(a_list))
Answered By: Leroy Scandal

std::vector<unsigned char> buffer, buffer1;

cv::imencode(".png", image, buffer);

cv::imencode(".png", image, buffer1);

Poco::JSON::Object obj;

obj.set("photo1", buffer);

obj.set("photo2", buffer1);

std::stringstream ss;


std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl // From here i getting image data as array

import cv2 as cv

import numpy as np

import cv2

# data["photo1"] string from C++ I Created and With the Python i converted back to image

# read image as an numpy array

image = np.asarray(bytearray(data["photo1"]), dtype="uint8")
# use imdecode function

new_image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

