pymysql.err.InterfaceError: (0, '') error when doing a lot of pushes to sql table


I am doing a lot of inserts to a mysql table in a short period of time from python code (using pymysql) that uses a lot of different threads.

Each thread, of which there are many, may or may not end up pushing data to a MySql table.

Here is the code block that causes the issue (this can be called for each thread running):

        sql = ("INSERT INTO LOCATIONS (location_id, place_name) VALUES (%s, %s)")
        cursor = self.connection.cursor()          
        cursor.execute(sql, (location_id, place_name))     

and it is specifically this line:

cursor.execute(sql, (location_id, place_name))

That causes this error:

pymysql.err.InterfaceError: (0, '')

Note also that i define self.connection in the init of the class the above block is in. so all threads share a self.connection object but get their own cursor object.

The error seems to happen randomly and only starts appearing (I think) after doing quite a few inserts into the mysql table. It is NOT consistent meaning it does not happen with every single attempt to insert into mysql.

I have googled this specific error and it seems like it could be from the cursor being closed before running the query. but i believe it is obvious i am closing the cursor after the query is executed.

Right now I think this is happening either because of:

  1. Some sort of write limit to the MySql table, although the error of pymysql.err.InterfaceError doesn’t seem to say this specifically
  2. The fact that I have a connection defined at a high scope that is having cursors created from in threads could somehow be causing this problem.



seems like the issue was related to me having a universal connection object. creating one per thread seems to have removed this issue.

Answered By: sometimesiwritecode

I get the same problem. There is a global connection in my project code, and I find that this connection will be timed out if there is no mysql operation for a long time. This error will occur when execute sql tasks, because of the timed-out connection.

My solution is: reconnecting mysql before execute sql tasks.

    sql = ("INSERT INTO LOCATIONS (location_id, place_name) VALUES (%s, %s)")  # reconnecting mysql
    with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:         
        cursor.execute(sql, (location_id, place_name))
Answered By: DavidLin3

dont close the connection remove the cursor.close() line should continue update your database

Answered By: Kuda William Rukuni

I’ve got the same error, than i found that pymysql is threadsafe, so you need to open an connection for every thread as @sometimesiwritecode said.

Source found:

Answered By: Bordotti

After upgrading to a newer PyMySQL version, I was suddenly getting the same error, but without doing a lot of queries. I was also getting an additional error:

pymysql.err.InterfaceError: (0, '')

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

pymysql.err.Error: Already closed

Since this appears to be only real place where this error is being discussed, I’ll post my solution here too.

Per the PyMySQL documentation, I was doing this:

connection = pymysql.connect([...])

with connection:
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:

# lots of other code

with connection:

What I failed to notice is that with connection will automatically close the connection to the database when that context manager finished executing. So subsequent queries would fail, even though I was still able to get a cursor from the connection without error.

The solution was to not use the with connection context manager, but closing the database connection manually:

connection = pymysql.connect([...])

with connection.cursor() as cursor:

# lots of other code

with connection.cursor() as cursor:

Answered By: Ferry Boender