How to timeout an async test in pytest with fixture?


I am testing an async function that might get deadlocked. I tried to add a fixture to limit the function to only run for 5 seconds before raising a failure, but it hasn’t worked so far.


pipenv --python==3.6
pipenv install pytest==4.4.1
pipenv install pytest-asyncio==0.10.0


import asyncio
import pytest

def my_fixture():
  # attempt to start a timer that will stop the test somehow
  yield 'eggs'

async def time_limit():
  await asyncio.sleep(5)
  print('time limit reached')     # this isn't printed
  raise AssertionError

async def test(my_fixture):
  assert my_fixture == 'eggs'
  await asyncio.sleep(10)
  print('this should not print')  # this is printed
  assert 0

Edit: Mikhail’s solution works fine. I can’t find a way to incorporate it into a fixture, though.

Asked By: T Tse



Convenient way to limit function (or block of code) with timeout is to use async-timeout module. You can use it inside your test function or, for example, create a decorator. Unlike with fixture it’ll allow to specify concrete time for each test:

import asyncio
import pytest
from async_timeout import timeout

def with_timeout(t):
    def wrapper(corofunc):
        async def run(*args, **kwargs):
            with timeout(t):
                return await corofunc(*args, **kwargs)
        return run       
    return wrapper

async def test_sleep_1():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    assert 1 == 1

async def test_sleep_3():
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    assert 1 == 1

It’s not hard to create decorator for concrete time (with_timeout_5 = partial(with_timeout, 5)).

I don’t know how to create texture (if you really need fixture), but code above can provide starting point. Also not sure if there’s a common way to achieve goal better.

Answered By: Mikhail Gerasimov

There is a way to use fixtures for timeout, one just needs to add the following hook into

  • Any fixture prefixed with timeout must return a number of seconds(int, float) the test can run.
  • The closest fixture w.r.t scope is chosen. autouse fixtures have lesser priority than explicitly chosen ones. Later one is preferred. Unfortunately order in the function argument list does NOT matter.
  • If there is no such fixture, the test is not restricted and will run indefinitely as usual.
  • The test must be marked with pytest.mark.asyncio too, but that is needed anyway.
# Add to
import asyncio

import pytest


@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
def pytest_runtest_setup(item: pytest.Item):
    """Wrap all tests marked with pytest.mark.asyncio with their specified timeout.

    Must run as early as possible.

    item : pytest.Item
        Test to wrap
    orig_obj = item.obj
    timeouts = [n for n in item.funcargs if n.startswith(_TIMEOUT_FIXTURE_PREFIX)]
    # Picks the closest timeout fixture if there are multiple
    tname = None if len(timeouts) == 0 else timeouts[-1]

    # Only pick marked functions
    if item.get_closest_marker("asyncio") is not None and tname is not None:

        async def new_obj(*args, **kwargs):
            """Timed wrapper around the test function."""
                return await asyncio.wait_for(
                    orig_obj(*args, **kwargs), timeout=item.funcargs[tname]
            except Exception as e:
      "Test {} did not finish in time.")

        item.obj = new_obj


def timeout_2s():
    return 2

@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def timeout_5s():
    # You can do whatever you need here, just return/yield a number
    return 5

async def test_timeout_1():
    # Uses timeout_5s fixture by default
    await aio.sleep(0)  # Passes
    return 1

async def test_timeout_2(timeout_2s):
    # Uses timeout_2s because it is closest
    await aio.sleep(5)  # Timeouts


Might not work with some other plugins, I have only tested it with pytest-asyncio, it definitely won’t work if item is redefined by some hook.

Answered By: Quimby

I just loved Quimby’s approach of marking tests with timeouts. Here’s my attempt to improve it, using pytest marks:

# tests/
import asyncio

@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
def pytest_pyfunc_call(pyfuncitem: pytest.Function):
    Wrap all tests marked with pytest.mark.async_timeout with their specified timeout.
    orig_obj = pyfuncitem.obj

    if marker := pyfuncitem.get_closest_marker("async_timeout"):

        async def new_obj(*args, **kwargs):
            """Timed wrapper around the test function."""
                return await asyncio.wait_for(orig_obj(*args, **kwargs), timeout=marker.args[0])
            except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError):
      "Test {} did not finish in time.")

        pyfuncitem.obj = new_obj


def pytest_configure(config: pytest.Config):
    config.addinivalue_line("markers", "async_timeout(timeout): cancels the test execution after the specified amount of seconds")


async def potentially_hanging_function():
    await asyncio.sleep(20)

It should not be hard to include this to the asyncio mark on pytest-asyncio, so we can get a syntax like:

async def potentially_hanging_function():
    await asyncio.sleep(20)

EDIT: looks like there’s already a PR for that.

Answered By: Fábio Batista