How to make non-frozen dataclass frozen, and vice versa?


I want to know a simple way to make a dataclass bar frozen.

class Bar:
    foo: int
bar = Bar(foo=1)

In other words, I want a function like the following some_fn_to_freeze

frozen_bar = some_fn_to_freeze(bar) = 2 # Error

And, an inverse function some_fn_to_unfreeze

bar = som_fn_to_unfrozen(frozen_bar) = 3 # not Error
Asked By: tamuhey



dataclass doesn’t have built-in support for that. Frozen-ness is tracked on a class-wide basis, not per-instance, and there’s no support for automatically generating frozen or unfrozen equivalents of dataclasses.

While you could try to do something to generate new dataclasses on the fly, it’d interact very poorly with isinstance, ==, and other things you’d want to work. It’s probably safer to just write two dataclasses and converter methods:

class Bar:
    foo: int
    def as_frozen(self):
        return FrozenBar(

class FrozenBar:
    foo: int
    def as_unfrozen(self):
        return Bar(
Answered By: user2357112

Python dataclasses are great, but the attrs package is a more flexible alternative, if you are able to use a third-party library. For example:

import attr

# Your class of interest.
class Bar(object):
   val = attr.ib()

# A frozen variant of it.
@attr.s(frozen = True)
class FrozenBar(Bar):

# Three instances:
# - Bar.
# - FrozenBar based on that Bar.
# - Bar based on that FrozenBar.
b1 = Bar(123)
fb = FrozenBar(**attr.asdict(b1))
b2 = Bar(**attr.asdict(fb))

# We can modify the Bar instances.
b1.val = 777
b2.val = 888

# Check current vals.
for x in (b1, fb, b2):

# But we cannot modify the FrozenBar instance.
    fb.val = 999
except attr.exceptions.FrozenInstanceError:
    print(fb, 'unchanged')


FrozenBar(val=123) unchanged
Answered By: FMc

The standard way to mutate a frozen dataclass is to use dataclasses.replace:

old_bar = Bar(foo=123)
new_bar = dataclasses.replace(old_bar, foo=456)
assert == 456

For more complex use-cases, you can use the dataclass utils module from:

It add a my_dataclass = my_dataclass.unfrozen() member, which allow to mutate frozen dataclasses directly

# pip install etils[edc]
from etils import edc

@edc.dataclass(allow_unfrozen=True)  # Add the `unfrozen()`/`frozen` method
class A:
  x: Any = None
  y: Any = None

old_a = A(x=A(x=A()))

# After a is unfrozen, the updates on nested attributes will be propagated
# to the top-level parent.
a = old_a.unfrozen()
a.x.x.x = 123
a.x.y = 'abc'
a = a.frozen()  # `frozen()` recursively call `dataclasses.replace`

# Only the `unfrozen` object is mutated. Not the original one.
assert a == A(x=A(x=A(x = 123), y='abc'))
assert old_a == A(x=A(x=A()))

As seen in the example, you can return unfrozen/frozen copies of the dataclass, which was explicitly designed to mutate nested dataclasses.

@edc.dataclass also add a a.replace(**kwargs) method to the dataclass (alias of dataclasses.dataclass)

a = A()
a = a.replace(x=123, y=456)
assert a == A(x=123, y=456)
Answered By: Conchylicultor

I’m using the following code to get a frozen copy of a dataclass class or instance:

import dataclasses 
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, asdict
import typing
from typing import TypeVar

FDC_SELF = TypeVar('FDC_SELF', bound='FreezableDataClass')

class FreezableDataClass:
    def get_frozen_dataclass(cls: Type[FDC_SELF]) -> Type[FDC_SELF]:
        @return: a generated frozen dataclass definition, compatible with the calling class
        cls_fields = fields(cls)
        frozen_cls_name = 'Frozen' + cls.__name__

        frozen_dc_namespace = {
            '__name__': frozen_cls_name,
            '__module__': __name__,
        excluded_from_freezing = cls.attrs_excluded_from_freezing()
        for attr in dir(cls):
            if attr.startswith('__') or attr in excluded_from_freezing:
            attr_def = getattr(cls, attr)
            if hasattr(attr_def, '__func__'):
                attr_def = classmethod(getattr(attr_def, '__func__'))
            frozen_dc_namespace[attr] = attr_def

        frozen_dc = dataclasses.make_dataclass(
            fields=[(, f.type, f) for f in cls_fields],
        globals()[frozen_dc.__name__] = frozen_dc
        return frozen_dc

    def attrs_excluded_from_freezing(cls) -> typing.Iterable[str]:
        return tuple()

    def get_frozen_instance(self: FDC_SELF) -> FDC_SELF:
        @return: an instance of a generated frozen dataclass, compatible with the current dataclass, with copied values
        cls = type(self)
        frozen_dc = cls.get_frozen_dataclass()
        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        return frozen_dc(**asdict(self))

Derived classes could overwrite attrs_excluded_from_freezing to exclude methods which wouldn’t work on a frozen dataclass.

Why didn’t I prefer other existing answers?

Answered By: Dev
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