How to identify disabled regions in AWS?


AWS regularly add new regions. While “old” regions are enabled by default in every AWS account, new regions are disabled by default 1.

I’m trying to scan a particular resource in all available regions using the following Python (pseudo)code:

regions = boto3_session.get_available_regions('rds')
for region in regions:
    boto_rds_client = boto3_session.client('rds', region_name=region)
    r_paginator = boto_rds_client.get_paginator('describe_db_instances')
    for rdses in r_paginator.paginate():
        for rds in rdses['DBInstances']:

However, this fails with a cryptic An error occurred (InvalidClientTokenId) when calling the DescribeDBInstances operation: The security token included in the request is invalid when accessing a “new” region.

Other services fail with other errors: e.g. Lambda fails with An error occurred (UnrecognizedClientException) when calling the ListFunctions operation: The security token included in the request is invalid

How can I identify if a region is enabled or not? There does not seem to be an API call to do this…

Asked By: Niobos



I found an edge case of the API that can be (ab)used to identify enabled regions: The ec2:DescribeRegions API call (and probably others as well, haven’t tried) exhibit a slightly different failure mode in disabled regions:

  • Either the call succeeds, and you know the region is enabled

  • The call fails with an UnauthorizedOperation error. This indicates you don’t have IAM permissions, but the region is enabled

  • The call fails with AuthFailure. This indicates the region is disabled

The following code successfully filters regions in my test cases:

def get_enabled_regions(boto3_session: boto3.Session, service: str) -> typing.Set[str]:
    regions = boto3_session.get_available_regions(service)
    enabled_regions = set()
    for region in regions:
        ec2_client = boto3_session.client('ec2', region_name=region)
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
            if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "AuthFailure":
                print(f"region {region} seems disabled, skipping")
                continue  # Account is disabled
            elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == "UnauthorizedOperation":
                print(f"region {region} seems enabled (but not sure)")
                pass  # Access denied is good: we have access to the region, just not to the ec2:DescribeRegions call
    return enabled_regions
Answered By: Niobos

I worked a bit more on the problem, and found a way that relies less on edge case behaviour: Using the sts:GetCallerIdentity call.

This has several advantages over ec2:DescribeRegions in that the API is always enabled (can’t be restricted by IAM). You can disable STS for a region, but even then, GetCallerIdentity still works (only issueing of temporary credentials is disabled 1).

def get_enabled_regions(boto3_session: boto3.Session, service: str) -> typing.Set[str]:
    regions = boto3_session.get_available_regions(service)
    enabled_regions = set()
    for region in regions:
        sts_client = boto3_session.client('sts', region_name=region)
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
            if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "InvalidClientTokenId":
                # error code received when region is disabled
                print(f"region {region} is disabled")
    return enabled_regions
Answered By: Niobos

We can use account client to filter all the enabled disabled regions:

account_client = boto_session.client("account")
response = account_client.list_regions(RegionOptStatusContains=['ENABLED', 'ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT'])
print ([x["RegionName"] for x in response["Regions"]])

Answered By: Kirandeep Singh
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