What is the use of slug in odoo


What is slug and why it is used. I’m confused with it. Can anyone help me on it. Thanx

 <p><a t-attf-href="/academy/{{ slug(teacher) }}">
     <t t-esc="teacher.name"/></a>
Asked By: Ravi Singh



I think it works for removing special characters from a string.

In addons>web>static>lib>underscore.string.js

slugify: function(str) {
      if (str == null) return '';

      var from  = "ąàáäâãåæăćęèéëêìíïîłńòóöôõøśșțùúüûñçżź",
          to    = "aaaaaaaaaceeeeeiiiilnoooooosstuuuunczz",
          regex = new RegExp(defaultToWhiteSpace(from), 'g');

      str = String(str).toLowerCase().replace(regex, function(c){
        var index = from.indexOf(c);
        return to.charAt(index) || '-';

      return _s.dasherize(str.replace(/[^ws-]/g, ''));
Answered By: Terrence Poe

Transform a string to a slug that can be used in a url path.

Example:(takem from the website tutorial).

<a t-attf-href="/academy/{{ slug(teacher) }}">
    <t t-esc="teacher.name"/>

You can find more details in slug function documentation.

Transform a string to a slug that can be used in a url path.

This method will first try to do the job with python-slugify if present.

Otherwise it will process string by stripping leading and ending spaces,

converting unicode chars to ascii, lowering all chars and replacing spaces

and underscore with hyphen "-".

Answered By: Kenly

The slug function transforms the parameter(string) to a slug which can be used in a url path. E.g.:

teacher = teacher(1)

<a t-attf-href="/academy/{{ slug(teacher) }}">

<a href="/academy/teacher-1">

Answered By: Yassir Irfan
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