How to get a stacked histogram in PairGrid or pairplot


I whish to reproduce the PairGrid plot found in that tutorial, but locally my barcharts are not stacked as in the tutorial and I can’t figure out how to make them so.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # for graphics
import os
# '3.6.4 (default, Sep 20 2018, 19:07:50) n[GCC 5.4.0 20160609]'

# '0.9.0'

mpg = sns.load_dataset('mpg')

g = sns.PairGrid(data=mpg[["mpg", "horsepower", "weight", "origin"]], hue="origin")

# below for the histogram

# also I tried
# g.map_diag(lambda x, label, color: plt.hist(x, label=label, color=color, histtype='barstacked', alpha=.4))
# g.map_diag(plt.hist, histtype='barstacked')
# but same result


My plots

The tutorial's plot

Do I have to follow the second answer of this post answer suggesting that it is very tricky to do with seaborn,
or should I turn to back to plt as suggested here for a simpler chart ?

In any case I’m curious to understand how they stacked their bars in the tutorial linked above.

Asked By: Malik Koné



The option for stacked histograms on the diagonal of a PairGrid has been removed from seaborn in this commit and hence is not available anymore in seaborn 0.9.

A workaround could be to collect all the data first and then plot it to the respective axes.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd 

df = sns.load_dataset('mpg')

g = sns.PairGrid(data=df[["mpg", "horsepower", "weight", "origin"]], hue="origin")

# below for the histograms on the diagonal
d = {}
def func(x, **kwargs):
    ax = plt.gca()

    if not ax in d.keys():
        d[ax] = {"data" : [], "color" : []}

for ax, dic in d.items():
    ax.hist(dic["data"], color=dic["color"], histtype="barstacked")

enter image description here

  • Given the current version of seaborn, the accepted answer works, but is obsolete.
  • sns.histplot has the parameter multiple, which has {'layer', 'dodge', 'stack', 'fill'} as options.
    • This can be passed to sns.pairplot with diag_kws={'multiple': 'stack'}.
    • Use g.map_diag(sns.histplot, multiple='stack') with sns.PairGrid.
  • seaborn doesn’t offer an option for a stacked bar plot, like pandas. However, this answer shows how to create a stacked bar plot with sns.histplot.
  • Tested with matplotlib 3.5.2 & seaborn 0.12.0


import seaborn as sns

mpg = sns.load_dataset('mpg')
data = mpg[["mpg", "horsepower", "weight", "origin"]]

g = sns.pairplot(data=data, hue='origin', diag_kind='hist', diag_kws={'multiple': 'stack'})

enter image description here


import seaborn as sns

mpg = sns.load_dataset('mpg')
data = mpg[["mpg", "horsepower", "weight", "origin"]]

g = sns.PairGrid(data=data, hue='origin')
g.map_upper(sns.regplot, scatter_kws=dict(linewidth=1, ec='white', s=20))
g.map_lower(sns.residplot, scatter_kws=dict(linewidth=1, ec='white', s=20))
_ = g.map_diag(sns.histplot, multiple='stack')

enter image description here

Answered By: Trenton McKinney