Jupyter server crashed. Unable to connect. Error code from jupyter: 1"


I keep getting this error message when trying to run the python interactive window in VS Code. I have tried this on another laptop with no issue but for some reason, it happens on my other laptop. The error message is:

"Executing code failed : Error: Jupyter server crashed. Unable to connect. 
Error code from jupyter: 1"

I’ve tried uninstalling VS Code, uninstalling the python extension, researching the error code online, but no luck.

Asked By: sethtjf



I had a similar issue. I had to configure a setting in the VSCODE command palette.

“Python: Select Interpreter to Start Jupyter server”

and select an environment with Jupyter installed, to allow vscode to start the server.

https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-python/issues/11048 (see comment on 9th April)

Answered By: jmarlow

In VS Code you can go to command palette by ctrl+shift+P and type jupyter and you will get a dropdown and select filter kernels it should activate your jupyter sessions.

Answered By: Habeeba Siddiqui
sudo -H pip install jupyter

This is your solution. I was have same problem.

Answered By: halilsaral

Run this on the terminal and this should solve the problem.

sudo -H pip install jupyter
Answered By: Ransh Anand