No module named 'pmdarima'


Im using the jupyter notebook from remote access and want to import the pmdarima for the auto_arima to select the arima model. How can I install the pmdarima through remote access ?

import auto_arima package

from pmdarima import auto_arima

The result:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pmdarima'
Asked By: Yizzi



you can do !pip install pmdarima in a jupyter cell and it should install the package in where ever the jupyter server is running and the python installed in it.

Answered By: cerofrais

Assuming that you are using Conda, access the prompt for the environment that you are working with and install the module pmdarima by running

conda install -c saravji pmdarima 


Alternatively one might use pip (pmdarima pypi)

pip install pmdarima
Answered By: Gonçalo Peres

First of all check your internet connection. Then try the following in your jupyter:

pip install pmdarima

Then reboot.

Answered By: user2275292

Open up the Anaconda Command prompt and run pip3 install pmdarima

Worked like a charm for me.

Answered By: Prakhar Srivastava

in Jupyternotebook

!pip install pmdarima

for conda environments

conda install -c saravji pmdarima

from command line in windows

pip install pmdarima

Answered By: Keshav