How to detect if decimal columns should be converted into integer or double?


I use Apache spark as an ETL tool to fetch tables from Oracle into Elasticsearch.

I face an issue with numeric columns that spark recognize them as decimal whereas Elasticsearch doesn’t accept decimal type; so i convert each decimal columns into double which is accepted for Elasticsearch.

dataFrame =
    [col(name) if 'decimal' not in colType else col(name).cast('double') for name, colType in dataFrame.dtypes]

The current issue that every numeric column will be double; either it has decimal value or not.

My question is there any way to detect column type should be converted into either integer type or double?

Asked By: Nimer Awwad



You can retrieve all column names with datatype == DecimalType() from the schema of the dataframe, see below for an example (tested on Spark 2.4.0):

Update: just use df.dtypes which is enough to retrieve the information.

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

df = spark.createDataFrame([ (1, 12.3, 1.5, 'test', 13.23) ], ['i1', 'd2', 'f3', 's4', 'd5'])

df = df.withColumn('d2', col('d2').astype('decimal(10,1)')) 
       .withColumn('d5', col('d5').astype('decimal(10,2)'))
#DataFrame[i1: bigint, d2: decimal(10,1), f3: double, s4: string, d5: decimal(10,2)]

decimal_cols = [ f[0] for f in df.dtypes if f[1].startswith('decimal') ]

['d2', 'd5']

Just a follow-up: the above method will not work for array, struct and nested data structures. If the field names in struct don’t contain characters like spaces, dot etc, you can use the type from the df.dtypes directly.

import re
from pyspark.sql.functions import array, struct, col

decimal_to_double = lambda x: re.sub(r'decimal(d+,d+)', 'double', x)

df1 = df.withColumn('a6', array('d2','d5')).withColumn('s7', struct('i1','d2'))
# DataFrame[i1: bigint, d2: decimal(10,1), l3: double, s4: string, d5: decimal(10,2), a6: array<decimal(11,2)>, s7: struct<i1:bigint,d2:decimal(10,1)>]*[ col(d[0]).astype(decimal_to_double(d[1])) if 'decimal' in d[1] else col(d[0]) for d in df1.dtypes ])
# DataFrame[i1: bigint, d2: double, l3: double, s4: string, d5: double, a6: array<double>, s7: struct<i1:bigint,d2:double>]

However, if any field-names of StructType() contain spaces, dot etc. the above method might not be working. In such case, I suggest you check: df.schema.jsonValue()['fields'] to retrieve and manipulate JSON data to do the dtype transformation.

Answered By: jxc

The solution was to check decimals number before determine the appropriate type.

I added a function to check and return data type:

def check(self, colType):
    # you should import re before
    # colType will be like decimal(15,0); so get these numbers
    [digits, decimals] = re.findall(r'd+', colType)
    # if there's no decimal points, convert it to int
    return 'int' if decimals == '0' else 'double'

Then i calls it for each column:

dataFrame =
    [col(name) if 'decimal' not in colType else col(name).cast(self.check(colType)) for name, colType in dataFrame.dtypes]
Answered By: Nimer Awwad