Django caching with Redis


I have implemented django caching using redis following this blog:

So I followed this, installed the package,
Added in

"default": {
    "BACKEND": "redis_cache.RedisCache",
    "LOCATION": "redis://",
    "OPTIONS": {
        "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient"
    "KEY_PREFIX": "example"


Then in views.

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache.backends.base import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page


and then added the decorator for the function

def patient_profile(request, id):
    data = {}
    return render(request, 'profile.html', {'data':data})

And then I am getting this error while I run the server

redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Connection closed by server.

I am new to such caching technique, Any suggestion how to resolve this issue?

Asked By: Harshit verma



Your configuration specifies Redis on port 8000, Redis, by default, runs on port 6379. Looks like its trying to connect your Django app, hence the Connection Error. Redis runs as a separate process, listening for requests on port 6379.

Answered By: Mark Barrett

First of all follow this guide to install redis into your system and start it. In my case it is fedora and there is a link to Ubuntu on the page.

Change the port from 8000 to 6379 on LOCATION. Now then you’ll be up and running.

I’d encourage this for a tutorial on redis for caching

Answered By: Boy Nandi