Is it possible to be better than O(N+M) for Codility lesson MaxCounters using python?


This is the code I am using for the Codility lesson: MaxCounters

def solution(N, A):
    counters = [0] * N
    max_c = 0
    for el in A:
        if el >= 1 and el <= N:
            counters[el-1] += 1
            max_c = max(counters[el-1], max_c)
        elif el > N:
            counters = [max_c] * N
    return counters

Every test passes but the last one (“all max_counter operations”) times out after 7 seconds so the result is just 88% with time complexity of O(N+M).

Is it possible to improve the time complexity of the algorithm and get 100% test result using Python?

The MaxCounters task

You are given N counters, initially set to 0, and you have two possible operations on them:

  • increase(X) − counter X is increased by 1,
  • max counter − all counters are set to the maximum value of any counter.

A non-empty array A of M integers is given. This array represents consecutive operations:

  • if A[K] = X, such that 1 ≤ X ≤ N, then operation K is increase(X),
  • if A[K] = N + 1 then operation K is max counter.

Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:

  • N and M are integers within the range [1..100,000];
  • each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..N + 1].
Asked By: megges



EDIT: following up on the discussion in the comments to this answer, tracking the last operation to avoid unnecessarily resetting the array in successive max_counter operations was the key to achieving the goal. Here’s what the different solutions (one keeping track of the max and the second calculating the max on demand) would look like implementing that change:

def solution(N, A):
    counters = [0] * N
    max_c = 0
    last_was_max = False
    for el in A:
        if el <= N:
            counters[el - 1] += 1
            max_c = max(counters[el - 1], max_c)
            last_was_max = False
        elif not last_was_max:
            counters = [max_c] * N
            last_was_max = True
    return counters

def solution2_1(N, A):
    counters = [0] * N
    last_was_max = False
    for el in A:
        if el <= N:
            counters[el - 1] += 1
            last_was_max = False
        elif not last_was_max:
            counters = [max(counters)] * N
            last_was_max = True
    return counters

I am not aware which implementation was used in the submission.

First, you’re wasting some time in your if conditions: there’s no need to check for the integer being greater or equal to 1, that’s a given from the exercise. Then, there’s no need to evaluate a second elif-statement, simply go for an else there. If the first condition is not met, the second will be met by definition of the exercise

Second, according to my testing, just calculating the maximum at the time it is needed is much faster than keeping track of it through all the runs. This is likely due to the fact that the max-operation will only occur very rarely, especially for large values of M and therefore you’re wasting time keeping track of stuff many times vs only calculating the maximum a few times during the run.

Addressing @Nearoo’s comment, it appears reassigning the array does in fact change the physical address, but according to some tests I ran reassigning is much faster than the for loop anyway.

def solution2(N, A):
    counters = [0] * N
    for el in A:
        if el <= N:
            counters[el - 1] += 1
            counters = [max(counters)] * N
    return counters

This solution I came up with outperformed your solution by a solid factor of 2-3 on several test runs with different seed values. Here’s the code to reproduce:

import random

N = random.randint(1, 100000)
M = random.randint(1, 100000)
A = [random.randint(1, N + 1) for i in range(M)]

%timeit solution(N,A)
>>> 11.7 ms ± 805 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit solution2(N,A)
>>> 3.63 ms ± 169 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
Answered By: Lukas Thaler

Here’s a 100% solution:

# MaxCounters
def solution(N, A):
    count = [0] * N
    max_count = 0
    last_max = False
    for val in A:
        if val == N + 1 and last_max == False:
            count = [max_count] * N
            last_max = True
        if val <= N:
            count[val - 1] += 1
            max_count = max(count[val - 1], max_count)
            last_max = False
    return count

Answered By: SatoriChi
    # MaxCounters
def solution(N, A):
    max_counter = 0
    list_counters = [0]*N
    if N < min(A):
        return list_counters
    for i in A:
        if i <= N:
            list_counters[i-1] += 1
            max_counter = max(list_counters[i-1], max_counter)
            list_counters = [max_counter]*N
    return list_counters
Answered By: Gigario

I dont know Python.
But my kotlin solution even run faster when more MaxCounter at the extreme test.
Check the Report


all max_counter operations✔OK

  1. 0.280s OK
  2. 0.264s OK

I believe this test is about avoid the full update on the array during max process.
If you can avoid that you should able to get the 100%.
So try your best to stop a full array update no matter on which language.

I get a 88% at my first try, and I used an hour to getting this original new answer. After a max operation all counter has same value, so its meaning less to keep check each counter until the final max operation. I create the array AFTER I found the last Max Operation, so there has no array full update require at all

Answered By: Eric Chan

actually, this gives a 100% score:

def solution(N, A):
    # write your code in Python 3.6
    can_be_updated = True
    for J in A:
        if(J<=N ):
            maxcount = max(maxcount,counter[J-1])
            can_be_updated = True
                counter = [maxcount]*N
                can_be_updated = False
Answered By: Cesare Corrado

Actually, every solution that involves creating new list every time there is an update will fail on "large_random2" test. You have to cache two max values. One for global max (minimum for every value) and current max (current maximum value in whole array).

def solution(N, A):
global_max = 0
current_max = 0
result = [0] * N
canUpdate = True
for i in A:
    if i <= N:
        if result[i-1] <= global_max:
            result[i-1] = global_max + 1
            result[i-1] += 1
        current_max = max(current_max, result[i-1])
        canUpdate = True
    elif canUpdate:
        canUpdate = False
        global_max = current_max
    # print(result)
for i, val in enumerate(result):
    if val < global_max:
        result[i] = global_max
return result
Answered By: user3613919
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