How can I bypass the Google CAPTCHA with Selenium and Python?


How can I bypass the Google CAPTCHA using Selenium and Python?

When I try to scrape something, Google give me a CAPTCHA. Can I bypass the Google CAPTCHA with Selenium Python?

As an example, it’s Google reCAPTCHA. You can see this CAPTCHA via this link:

Asked By: user11960891



To start with using Selenium‘s Python clients, you should avoid solving/bypass Google CAPTCHA.


Selenium automates browsers. Now, what you want to achieve with that power is entirely up to individuals, but primarily it is for automating web applications through browser clients for testing purposes and of coarse it is certainly not limited to that.


On the other hand, CAPTCHA (the acronym being …Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart…) is a type of challenge–response test used in computing to determine if the user is human.

So, Selenium and CAPTCHA serves two completely different purposes and ideally shouldn’t be used to achieve any interrelated tasks.

Having said that, reCAPTCHA can easily detect the network traffic and identify your program as a Selenium driven bot.

Generic Solution

However, there are some generic approaches to avoid getting detected while web scraping:

This use case

However, in a couple of use cases we were able to interact with the reCAPTCHA using Selenium and you can find more details in the following discussions:


You can find a couple of related discussion in:

tl; dr

Answered By: undetected Selenium

In order to bypass the CAPTCHA when scraping Google, you have to manually solve a CAPTCHA and export the cookies Google gives you. Now, every time you open a Selenium WebDriver, make sure you add the cookies you exported. The GOOGLE_ABUSE_EXEMPTION cookie is the one you’re looking for, but I would save all cookies just to be on the safe side.

If you want an additional layer of stability in your scrapes, you should export several cookies and have your script randomly select one of them each time you ping Google.

These cookies have a long expiration date so you wouldn’t need to get new cookies every day.

For help on saving and loading cookies in Python and Selenium, you should check out this answer: How to save and load cookies using Python + Selenium WebDriver

Answered By: Haddock-san

Clear Browsing History, cached data, cookies and other site data
First Create an Google Account while you are in browser window opened by selenium.
Sign in to your account


Then Open any website that uses recaptcha tick on checkmark using this code

String framename=wd.findElement(By.tagName("iframe")).getAttribute("name");

You won’t find any Puzzles or anything.

Answered By: Samie Naseem

The simple solution is suspend the program for 10 seconds or more and then when the automated browser opens solve the reCAPTCHA on your own and then the program starts after 10 seconds and execute rest of the program like clicking submit button or other things

Answered By: Joydeep Das

Bypass as in solve it or bypass as in never get it at all?

To solve it:

  • sign up with 2captcha, capmonster cloud, deathbycaptcha, etc. and follow their instructions. They will give you a token that you pass with the form.

To never get it at all:

  • Make sure you have good IP reputation (most important for Cloudflare).
  • Make sure you have a good browser fingerprint (most important for Distil) – I recommend puppeteer + the stealth plugin.
Answered By: pguardiario

Ok, so there is a simple python script to solve captcha for you.

It basically read the audio and then use google assistant to convert it into text and paste it.

It is only workable in audio captchas which is given the most case with imahe captcha V2


I do not write the script, i just get an idea of doing this but got this brother project so, thought to help others through this.