Getting the literal out of a python Literal type, at runtime?


How can I get the literal value out of a Literal[] from typing?

from typing import Literal, Union

Add = Literal['add']
Multiply = Literal['mul']
Action = Union[Add,Multiply]

def do(a: Action):
    if a == Add:
    elif a == Multiply:
        raise ValueError


The code above type checks since 'add' is of type Literal['add'], but at runtime, it raises a ValueError since the string 'add' is not the same as typing.Literal['add'].

How can I, at runtime, reuse the literals that I defined at type level?

Asked By: LudvigH



The typing module provides a function get_args which retrieves the arguments with which your Literal was initialized.

>>> from typing import Literal, get_args
>>> l = Literal['add', 'mul']
>>> get_args(l)
('add', 'mul')

However, I don’t think you gain anything by using a Literal for what you propose. What would make more sense to me is to use the strings themselves, and then maybe define a Literal for the very strict purpose of validating that arguments belong to this set of strings.

>>> def my_multiply(*args):
...    print("Multiplying {0}!".format(args))
>>> def my_add(*args):
...    print("Adding {0}!".format(args))
>>> op = {'mul': my_multiply, 'add': my_add}
>>> def do(action: Literal[list(op.keys())]):
...    return op[action]

Remember, a type annotation is essentially a specialized type definition, not a value. It restricts which values are allowed to pass through, but by itself it merely implements a constraint — a filter which rejects values which you don’t want to allow. And as illustrated above, its argument is a set of allowed values, so the constraint alone merely specifies which values it will accept, but the actual value only comes when you concretely use it to validate a value.

Answered By: tripleee

I guess that the desire to get the value from the type is to avoid code duplication, and enable broader refactors. But let’s think about it a second…

Let’s consider code duplication. We don’t want to have to write the same literal value twice. But here’s the thing, we’re going to have to write down something twice, either the type or the literal, so why not the literal?

Let’s consider enabling refactors. In this case we’re worried that if we change the literal value of the type then code using the existing value will no longer work, it would be nice if we could change them all at once. Notice that the problem solved by the type-checker is adjacent to this one: when you change that value it will warn you everywhere that that value is no longer valid.
In this case you can opt to use an Enum to put the literal value inside the Literal type:

from typing import Literal, overload
from enum import Enum

class E(Enum):
    opt1 = 'opt1'
    opt2 = 'opt2'

def f(x: Literal[E.opt1]) -> str:

def f(x: Literal[E.opt2]) -> int:

def f(x: E):
    if x == E.opt1:
        return 'got 0'
    elif x == E.opt2:
        return 123
    raise ValueError(x)

a = f(E.opt1)
b = f(E.opt2)


# > mypy
# note: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
# note: Revealed type is ""
# Success: no issues found in 1 source file

Now when I want to change the "value" of E.opt1 no one else even cares, and when I want to change the "name" of E.opt1 to E.opt11 a refactoring tool will do it everywhere for me.
The "main problem" with this is that it will require users to use the Enum, when the whole point was trying to provide a convenient, value-based but type-safe, interface, right? Consider the following, enum-less code:

from typing import Literal, overload, get_args
from enum import Enum

TOpt1 = Literal['opt1']

def f(x: TOpt1) -> str:

def f(x: Literal['opt2']) -> int:

def f(x):
    if x == get_args(TOpt1):
        return 'got 0'
    elif x == 'opt2':
        return 123
    raise ValueError(x)

a = f('opt1')
b = f('opt2')


# > mypy
# note: Revealed type is "builtins.str"
# note: Revealed type is ""

I put both styles of checking the value of the argument in there: def f(x: TOpt1) and if x == get_args(TOpt1) vs def f(x: Literal['opt2']) and elif x == 'opt2'. While the first style is "better" in some abstract sense, I would not write it that way unless TOpt1 appears in multiple places (multiple overloads, or different functions). If it’s just to be used in the one function for the one overload then I absolutely would just use the values directly and not bother with get_args and defining type aliases, because in the actual definition of f I would much rather look at a value than wonder about a type-argument.

Answered By: Nathan Chappell