Sharing Opencv image between C++ and python using Redis


I want to share image between C++ and python using Redis. Now I have succeed in sharing numbers. In C++, I use hiredis as the client; in python, I just do import redis. The code I have now is as below:

cpp to set value:

VideoCapture video(0);
Mat img;
int key = 0;
while (key != 27)
    video >> img;
    imshow("img", img);
    key = waitKey(1) & 0xFF;

    reply = (redisReply*)redisCommand(c, "SET %s %d", "hiredisWord", key);
    //printf("SET (binary API): %sn", reply->str);

python code to get value:

import redis

R = redis.Redis(host='', port='6379')

while 1:

Now I want to share opencv image instead of numbers. What should I do? Please help, thank you!

Asked By: ToughMind



Instead of hiredis, here’s an example using cpp_redis (available at

The following C++ program reads an image from a file on disk using OpenCV, and stores the image in Redis under the key image:

#include <opencv4/opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <cpp_redis/cpp_redis>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  cv::Mat image = cv::imread("input.jpg");
  std::vector<uchar> buf;
  cv::imencode(".jpg", image, buf);

  cpp_redis::client client;
  client.set("image", {buf.begin(), buf.end()});

Then in Python you grab the image from the database:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import redis

store = redis.Redis()
image = store.get('image')
array = np.frombuffer(image, np.uint8)
decoded = cv2.imdecode(array, flags=1)
cv2.imshow('hello', decoded)
Answered By: Velimir Mlaker
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