How to walk on a dictionary which represent a graph and return a list of element


I have a problem and I can not find a solution.

I have a graph like this:

The node graph in Maya

I have function which return the graph like this:

    data = {
    'Finition': {
        'Metal': {
            'colorCorrect1': {
                'Color': {
                    'aiLayerShader2': {
                        'colorConstant1': {},
                        'colorConstant3': {},
                        'colorConstant2': {
                            'aiFloatToRgba1': {
                                'place2dTexture1': {}
                        'colorConstant4': {},
                        'colorConstant5': {
                            'aiFloatToRgba1': {
                                'place2dTexture1': {}
                        'colorConstant6': {}

I have a list of main groups (Blues Nodes in the picture):

    selection = ['Finition', 'Metal', 'Color', 'colorConstant2']

I need a function that can return me the list of nodes (before the next group) for a specific group:

The return value should be like this:

        ['Metal', 'colorCorrect1'],
        ['Color', 'aiLayerShader2', 'colorConstant1', 'colorConstant3', 'colorConstant4', 'colorConstant5', 'colorConstant6', 'aiFloatToRgba1', 'place2dTexture1'],
        ['colorConstant2', 'aiFloatToRgba1', 'place2dTexture1']

I tried the following:

    def search_recurssive(element=None, main={}, depth=0):
        for key, value in main.items():
            if key != element:
                if isinstance(value, dict):
                    search_recurssive(element=element, main=value, depth=depth+1)
                print depth

    search_recurssive(element='Metal', main=data)

But it did not work. What can I try next?

Asked By: AlexLaur



Here is a rather inefficient method:

def getChildren(data,s):
    global selection
    res = [s]
    for child in data[s].keys():
        if child in selection:
            res.extend(getChildren(data[s], child))
    return res

def getDataPart(data,s):
    for key in data.keys():
        if key == s:
            return data
        res = getDataPart(data[key],s)
        if res is not None:
            return res

results = []

for s in selection:
    data_part = getDataPart(data,s)
Answered By: Ardweaden
def search_recurssive(element=None, main={}, depth=0):
    l = []
    for key, value in main.items():
        if key != element:
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                l += search_recurssive(element=element, main=value, depth=depth+1)
            print depth
    return l

I just adapted your code to work as you expect for the line

search_recurssive(element='Metal', main=data)

Now you need to adapt this to get the next sub graph and search for the next group.

Just adapted my previous answer to do the full search for the selection.

selection = ['Finition', 'Metal', 'Color', 'colorConstant2']

next_group = data

def search_recurssive(element=None, main={}, depth=0):
    global next_group
    l = []
    for key, value in main.items():
        if key != element:
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                l += search_recurssive(element=element, main=value, depth=depth+1)
            print depth
            next_group = main
    return l

def search_selection(selection, data):
    return [search_recurssive(element, next_group) for element in selection]
Answered By: André Cascais
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