Sympy returns log instead of ln


I have this equation:

import sympy as sp

x = sp.Symbol(‘x’, real = True)
fx = sp.log(x,3)

sp.diff(fx, x) 

Sympy returns:


Sympy should return:


Why is Sympy returning the log function rather than the natural log function?

Asked By: vic



From here:


In SymPy, as in Python and most programming languages, log is the natural logarithm, also known as ln. SymPy automatically provides an alias ln = log in case you forget this.

>>> sp.ln(x)

So the code you have posted is in fact, correct.

sp.log(x,3) is equivalent to log(x)/log(3), and the derivative of this is 1/(x*log(3)) which in Sympy is equivalent to 1/(x*ln(3)).

Answered By: CDJB

ln = pronounce "log in"

Answered By: user19897094