python combination with replacement not working as expected


I would like to produce all combinations of certain length by using a set of allowed characters with replacement:

I thought itertools.combinations_with_replacement is what I need. So this is what I did:

from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
allowed = ['0', '1', '8', '6', '9']
comb = list(combinations_with_replacement(allowed,2))

Yet the number of combinations thus produced is 15. But it should be 25 (5^2). What is going on?


I replaced combinations_with_replacement with permutations as suggested by @Michael Bianconi but it did not work either – I get a result set of 20, not 25.

Asked By: Nick



00, 01, 08, 06, 09
11, 18, 16, 19
88, 86, 89
66, 69

There are 15 possible combinations.

Answered By: Michael Bianconi

You probably search for the product:

import itertools
allowed = ['0', '1', '8', '6', '9']
product = list(itertools.product(allowed, repeat=2))


Strings are iterable in Python, so you can use:

import itertools
for result in itertools.product('01869', repeat=2)):
Answered By: Yam Mesicka