ImportError: cannot import name 'Serial' from 'serial' (unknown location)


Whenever i execute the code below it gives me following Error:

ImportError: cannot import name 'Serial' from 'serial' (unknown location)


  from serial import Serial

  arduinodata = Serial('com4',9600)

  print("Enter n to ON LED and f to OFF LED")

  while 1:
    input_data = raw_input()
    print ("You Entered"+input_data)
    if (input_data == 'n'): 
        print("LED ON")

    if (input_data == 'f'):
        print("LED OFF")

I have installed all the required python modules. Like pyserial, pyfirmata etc but it is continuously giving me this error.

Asked By: Kashif Iftikhar



Most likely missing an 

file or the module, or the file sub-directory for the module (Serial) is on a different layer than the file executable. Hope that helps :).

Answered By: FishingCode

I encountered the same problem. I first uninstalled pyserial from all pip, pip3, and conda (I had it on all 3), and then re-installed it. It then worked fine for me. Hope that helps!

Answered By: Swati Srivastava

I got exactly this problem, as well. It was caused by the "pyserial" and "serial" libraries installed on per-user basis with pip while pyserial was also installed system-wide (possibly in a different version, using the Linux package manager).


Removing the per-user version fixed the problem in my case.

Answered By: Ruediger

I had to rename to something else ( in my C:/python39 folder and it fixed the problem.

Answered By: Sam_Carmichael

I got same problem while try to install serrial on rpi4
In this tutorial
if you install by:

  • 2.1.1(RECOMMENDED) Installing Binaries on the ROS workstation

It work well
But if you install follow:

  • 2.1.2 Installing from Source onto the ROS workstation

It said : ImportError: cannot import name ‘Serial’ from ‘serial’
I dont know why, but when install by 2.1.1 it worked well.

Answered By: Bui Dinh Ba

Uninstalling serial, pyserial

pip uninstall serial


pip uninstall pyserial

Then reinstalling pySerial

pip install pySerial

Worked for me.
Note however that I am using a virtual environment

Answered By: Mafeng Pam