Write a function called randomization that takes as input a positive integer n, and returns A, a random n x 1 Numpy array


Write a function called randomization that takes as input a positive integer n, and returns A, a random n x 1 numpy array.

Below is what I have but it’s not working.

import numpy as np

def randomization(n):
    if n>0 and n==int:
        A=np.random.random([n, 1])
x=int(input("enter a positive number: "))

If I run this I get a message saying “local variable ‘A’ referenced before assignment”.

Asked By: Ian Chung



First, n == int will always be false, because n is not the type int. Use isinstance(n, int) instead.

Because of that, A is never assigned, but then you call print(A) as if it were assigned.

Answered By: chepner

In addition to what chepner said, np.random.rand expects dimensions as arguments and not a list. That is, you should use A=np.random.rand(n, 1). Note that this returns a uniformly distributed random vector.
Also, your function doesn’t return any value. use – return A at the end.

Answered By: Gil Pinsky

try using this. Please make sure your indentation is correct:

def operations(h,w):
    Takes two inputs, h and w, and makes two Numpy arrays A and B of size
    h x w, and returns A, B, and s, the sum of A and B.
      h - an integer describing the height of A and B
      w - an integer describing the width of A and B
    Returns (in this order):
      A - a randomly-generated h x w Numpy array.
      B - a randomly-generated h x w Numpy array.
      s - the sum of A and B.
    A = np.random.random([h,w])
    B = np.random.random([h,w])
    s = A + B
    return A,B,s
A,B,s = operations(3,4)
assert(A.shape == B.shape == s.shape)*

Answered By: Husna Zubir

I think what you are looking for is something like this. You must define your function, set A equal to a random matrix nx1 and then return the value A within you definition.

      A = np.random.random([n,1])
      return A

hope this helps

Answered By: Ereniss

Q) Write a function called randomization that takes as input a positive integer n, and returns A, a random n x 1 numpy array.—-

def randomization(n):
return random_array

Answered By: JubinThomas