Why does some solution work on VSCode but not LeetCode?


I tried to resolve this Leetcode problem with the solution as follows on Visual Studio Code :

class CustomStack:
    vals = list()

    def __init__(self, maxSize):
        self.maxSize = maxSize

    def push(self, x):
        if len(self.vals) < self.maxSize:

    def pop(self):
        if len(self.vals) > 0:
            val = self.vals.pop()
            return val
            return -1

    def increment(self, k, val):
        k = min(k, len(self.vals))
        for i in range(k):
            self.vals[i] += val

It prints correct numbers on VSCode: [null,null,34,null,-1,null,null,63,null,null,null,null]

But it fails on LeetCode which prints [null,null,85,null,181,null,null,196,null,null,null,null]

I know the correct solution can be this:

class CustomStack:
    def __init__(self, maxSize):
        self.vals =[]
        self.maxSize = maxSize

But why the original version works on VSCode, not Leetcode?

Asked By: skyline



When running your program in VS Code, you are testing a single example using one instance of the CustomStack class. In LeetCode, multiple test cases are executed using a new instance of the CustomStack class. Since vars is a class variable, not an instance variable, it is being shared across all of the CustomStack instances created during execution of your program. This means that each instance modifies the same list.

You have already shown that the correct way to implement a variable specific to an instance of a class is by defining it during the __init__ method:

class CustomStack:
    def __init__(self, maxSize):
        self.vals =[]
        self.maxSize = maxSize
Answered By: dspencer