How to pass an array of strings to fastapi in python


Here is the function I made:

def get_items(q: List[str] = Query(None)):
    Pass path to function.
    Returns folders and files.
    results = {}

    query_items = {"q": q}
    if query_items["q"]:
        entry = PATH + "/".join(query_items["q"])
        entry = PATH

    if os.path.isfile(entry):
        return download(entry)

    dirs = os.listdir(entry + "/")
    results["folders"] = [
        val for val in dirs if os.path.isdir(entry + "/" + val)]
    results["files"] = [val for val in dirs if
                        os.path.isfile(entry + "/" + val)]
    results["path_vars"] = query_items["q"]

    return results

Idea is to pass an array of string which essentially form a path in the function to a file and I can have some array to it from an app to serve files and send this function an array of string as they traverse the folders. But.. I cant figure out how to send a list of params from something like python requests.

Here is a sample function I wrote.

def try_url():
    url = ""

    payload = {
        "q": ["downloads",
    headers = {}

    response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Api doesnt even accept a q value. What am I missing? Is this the right way to traverse dirs? In url format, this is what a request looks like:

Doesnt look right to me.

Asked By: ScipioAfricanus



I am dumb, the solution was simply to pass params to the call …

payload = {
    "q" : ["downloads",
headers = {

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params = payload)

adding “params” in requests.request is the solution.

Answered By: ScipioAfricanus

You may use query-alias like this to parse a list of values:

def get_entries(lst_of_entries: list | None = Query(alias="lst_of_entries[]", default=None)):
    print(lst_of_entries, type(lst_of_entries))


['value1', 'value2'] <class 'list'>

On the client side values are sent like this:

Answered By: Tobias Ernst
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