How to create a specific amount of invite links that can only be used once for a Discord server in Python


I am new to working with Discord servers and I would like to make a private Discord server where only users that I invite can join. I read about a few ways that this can be achieved, but none of them are really what I have in mind. I was thinking about creating a Discord application that generated a specific amount of invite links to my server which can only be used once.

This means that if I want to invite 50 people to my Discord server, I would create 50 invite links that can only be used once so that I make sure that only the people I invite will join. I would like to put all of these links in an external text file so that I will later be able to work with them and eventually send them to people by email. In other words, I don’t need to create a bot, but rather just use Python and the module to achieve all this outside of Discord.

I saw this on the documentation which looks something like what I need, but I don’t really understand how that would work.

I can almost only find tutorials on how to create bots, on the Discord server itself, but that is not what I need. Would anyone be able to help me out?

Thank you very much in advance!

Asked By: FedeCuci



import discord

token = 'bot_token_goes_here'
client = discord.Client()
number_of_links = input('How many links do you want to create? ') 

async def on_ready():
    g = client.guilds[guild_number goes here] # Choose the guild/server you want to use 
    c = g.get_channel(channel_id_goes_here) # Get channel ID
    invites = await # list of all the invites in the server

    while len(invites) < int(number_of_links):
        print('CREATING INVITES')
        for i in range(int(number_of_links)): # Create as many links as needed
            i = await, max_uses=1, max_age=0, unique=True) # Create the invite link

    print('Finished. Exiting soon...')
Answered By: FedeCuci

I made some quick modifications to FedeCuci’s script, with the following differences:

  • Script asks for the total number of new invites you want, rather than depending on previously created invites
  • Script outputs the new invites to console
  • Does not throw an exception
  • Compatible with new intents API
  • Some additional debugging output

For either script, you will need to install, then run the script with python3. Don’t forget to update the token & ID’s as needed, and setup/join the bot to your target server via Discord’s developer portal. It will need permissions for Create Instant Invite and Read Messages/View Channels

from discord.utils import get
import discord

token = 'bot-token-goes-here' # <-- fill this in
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.invites = True
client = discord.Client(intents=intents)
guild_id = guild-id-goes-here # <-- fill this in
number_of_links = input('How many links do you want to create? ')

async def on_ready():
    print('Bot is up and running.')
    print(f'Logged in as {client.user}')

    g = client.get_guild(int(guild_id))
    print(f'Guild: {}')
    c = g.get_channel(channel-id-goes-here) # <-- fill this in
    print(f'Channel: #{c}')
    invites = []


    for i in range(int(number_of_links)):
        invite = await g.text_channels[0].create_invite(max_uses=1, max_age=0, unique=True)

    print('Finished. Exiting soon...')
    await client.close()
Answered By: Skye
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