Why can't I import candlestick_ohlc from mplfinance


So I have been able to successfully install mplfinance with pip and when I import it alone I receive no error. Though when I do: from mplfinance import candlestick_ohlc I get the error ImportError: cannot import name 'candlestick_ohlc' from 'mplfinance' I have checked command prompt again, and it says it has successfully installed mplfinance. Why am I receiving this error?

Asked By: benito.cano



You do not have to import ‘candlestick_ohlc’ anymore.

‘mplfinance.plot()’ defaults to ohlc style charts.

These links provide good examples. The second one uses candlesticks. You can change that arg.



Answered By: Nicholas Portalupi

So from what I understand the Matplotlib for finance has changed so that:

To access the old API with the new mplfinance package installed, change statments


from mpl_finance import 


    from mplfinance.original_flavor import candlestick_ohlc

and then it should work fine.

Answered By: benito.cano

the first thing you have to do is install the library with the command:

pip install mplfinance

after that you can call the resource like:

from mplfinance.original_flavor import candlestick_ohlc