While converting a PIL image into a tensor why the pixels are changing?


transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToPILImage(), transforms.ToTensor()])

Before applying the transformation

Before applying the transformation

After applying the transformation

After applying the transformation

Q.1 Why the pixel values are changed?
Q.2 How to correct this?

Asked By: atin



Q1: transforms.ToTensor() of torchvision normalizes your input image, i.e. puts it in the range [0,1] as it is a very common preprocessing step.

Q2: use torch.tensor(input_image) to convert image into a tensor instead.

Answered By: Noé Achache

I was able to solve this problem by normalizing the input data before transforming it.
The problem was that ToPILImage() was discarding all the values which were greater than 1 hence the bright pixels became dark.

Answered By: atin