Alembic doesn't recognize False default value


While maintaining a SQLAlchemy data model and utilizing alembic for version control, the following code change I made resulted in an empty revision:

some_column = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)

While previously it was:

some_column = Column(Boolean, nullable=False)

So adding a default value produces no changes in alembic, i.e. generates an empty revision. I tried other values offered by SQLAlchemy like false() and expression.false() instead of False, but the result is the same (empty alembic revision). Also tried server_default instead of default. The database in question is PostgreSQL.

By empty revision, of course I mean that alembic doesn’t recognize any change being made in SQLAlchemy:

def upgrade():
    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    # ### end Alembic commands ###

def downgrade():
    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    # ### end Alembic commands ###

Appreciate any help in this regard.

Asked By: zarnoevic



To do this automatically you have to turn on a setting to detect server default changes.

In your, for the context.configure calls (online and offline migrations, so in 2 places), add a compare_server_default=True kwarg.

It is probably safer to just put in the alter_column yourself as well as definitely use server_default because default is just for python-side setting of the default(which is ok but sounds like not what you want).

Quoted from

Autogenerate can optionally detect:

Change of server default. This will occur if you set the
EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_server_default parameter to True,
or to a custom callable function. This feature works well for simple
cases but cannot always produce accurate results.

Answered By: Ian Wilson

Just pass false() in server_default kwarg in Column.


from sqlalchemy.sql import false

some_column = Column(Boolean, server_default=false(), nullable=False)
Answered By: Daniel Bailo